The MIRACLE on the Hudson serves to remind us that MIRACLES are possible!

Thursdays plane crash is a reminder that miracles are possible for each and every one of us, and that prayers are sometimes answered. Its as simple as that. Each and every passenger on that plane prayed for a life saving miracle, and their prayers were answered. How often do our prayers work that effectively and quickly?

The Miracle occurred because the exact factors or ingredients came together, from the highly skilled pilot, to the crew, the plane, the skills, the route, the timing, and more, was exactly and precisely what was needed to save the passengers.

The dictionary defines MIRACLE as being from the Latin word Miraculum and being a “wondrous thing,” So wouldn’t you say that for each of those passengers, who faced their fear and survived the crash, this was truly a MIRACLE, a wonderous thing, an extraordinary, life saving, breath catching MIRACLE. I can only imagine, to narrowly escape death and take your next breathe, well, I don’t know how you could say it wasn’t anything but a MIRACLE.

When I was destitute, scared and depressed, I prayed for miracles all the time. I wanted food miracles, rent miracles, electricity miracles, and more. And more often than not, my needs weren’t met, the MIRACLES didn’t happen.

Every one of those passengers faced their own fear and they survived; in fact they actually experienced a real life saving MIRACLE. Get this, when you prayer or beg for a MIRACLE, and the higher powers that be, actually send you an olive branch and a rescue, why can call a spade a spade. I bet the husband who received the text his wife’s plane was crashing, felt such a relief at hearing she was alive that he believed there must be a God, and that God just shined his light on them.

The truth is, it’s a remarkable coincidence that this particular pilot, with his training and background, was on this flight, on this day. Now add to the mix, that this combination was exactly perfect to produce the desired results. Our highly trained pilot was given an opportunity to become a hero and not only save 155 lives, but he set a standard for the way we should all act when faced with crisis. He learned very quickly that morning, exactly who he is and what he is capable of handling.

Now if a Miracle means Marvelous Thing, what could be more Marvelous than facing death and surviving. For a pilot and his crew, what could be more gratifying than knowing they did the right thing, that all their training proved sufficient to enable them to save every passenger. In fact, its almost impossible not to believe it’s a miracle. To do so, would be to deny that wonderful things do happen, that sometimes it feels as if the hands of an Angel are actually protecting us.

What would be so terrible if a Miracle were really involved?
Wouldn’t the captain of the Titanic think it a miracle if he had been able to save the life of every passenger on that fatal night? And had the plane and all of its passengers sunk below the waters of the Hudson River, national TV would have us watching it go down while we prayed for Miracles to save the drowning victims.

10 years ago, I formed a very unique club, The Miracle Makers Club, with my children, to create miracles for our family.You see, we had lost everything, we had gone from wealth to rags, literally, and we were destitute. The kids and I made a vow that we would change our lives, literally, and you know what, we did learn to create miracles.

I discovered rather quickly that when a person is hungry, with no money to feed their kids, finding an unclaimed twenty dollar bill on the floor of the gas station is a MIRACLE. You have no idea how much gratitude. I experienced that night, and how long we had gone without dinner.

The truth is, my life is based upon miracles. You’ll never convince me that the rescue on the Hudson wasn’t a miracle!

Author's Bio: 

Dr Joan Hangarter, DC, MS, is a visionary, speaker and founder of The Miracle Makers Club. She has developed a system that will teach you how to launch and activate Miracles in your life, so that you can achieve your dreams and live your vision. She is the author of The Miracle Makers Club -Live the Prosperous and Soul-Filled Life That You Deserve Today. Please visit