Aromatherapy is more than smells; it's about healing, plants, oils, fragrance, and gentleness. Visit the sites below to learn more — lots more!

Aromatherapy Information and Resources Part of the commercial site of Bassett Aromatherapy™, this page provides links to several primers and reference works.

The Guide to Aromatherapy An educational British site with a wealth of information, from introductory overviews to links to in-depth reference material, including symptom-to-oil and oil-to-symptom sections.

Aromatherapy Articles Here’s a routinely updated and comprehensive compendium of articles on aromatherapy from a wide variety of sources.

Aromatherapy Perhaps the ultimate guide to aromatherapy data, this page of’s "Alternative Medicine" section provides links both to information on every aspect of aromatherapy and to a huge list of other modalities for which you can find an equally staggering selection of resources.

Aromatherapy-Related Links Anything you didn’t find above that you’re still looking for is probably here, including links to aromatherapy journals and organizations.

Copyright Seattle New Times , as written by ONLINE Review Columnist Maria Marsala

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