Are you a terrific practitioner who needs more clients? A few years ago Time Magazine published an article stating that billions of dollars every year in the US were being spent for holistic health modalities. It’s great news to know that the public is accessing nontraditional methods more and more. And yet many therapists, alternative health practitioners, and life coaches want and need more clients. Offering seminars and workshops in the community is one way to “stand out from the crowd.” Not only do they help you reach potential clients, they can substantially increase your income.

There are three ingredients for creating a successful seminar or workshop: great content, effective marketing, and engaging presentation skills. If you’re missing any one of these, your program can’t be successful on an ongoing basis.

When you develop the content for your workshop, it’s important to include unique and new information. Take the time to research your topic on the internet and in books. The Dummies books are one of my favorites for compiling a lot of information. Find interesting quotes and stories that illustrate your message. Once you’ve developed the main points for your topic, spend some time organizing the flow. To keep the interest of participants, you’ll need a variety of activities. Few people want to sit and listen to a lecture for three or more hours. Include lecture, discussion, interactive exercises, meditation, and even a DVD if appropriate.

When creating your marketing, a catchy title and a compelling description are a must. I changed my women’s program from Stress Management for Women on the Go to Success Strategies for Women on the Go, and attendance increased by 50%! A good title will encourage people to want more information, and then you can persuade them you know something they need to know! In your marketing, whether print advertising or on your website, be careful to “tease” the reader with what they will learn to enhance their lives by attending your workshop.

Finally, does standing in front of the group and presenting scare you? We’ve all heard the quote that more people are scared of speaking in public than they are of death! Like any skill, presenting effectively takes learning the basics and practice, practice, and more practice! The more you do it, the less scary it is. Try standing in front of a full length mirror to practice. Or, if you have a video camera, taping yourself is a great learning tool. You can do that with no one around, then watch, evaluate, and do it again until you are comfortable with the way you look and sound. Besides imparting important information, part of your goal in a workshop is to inspire people with the ability they have to change their lives for the better, so exhibit passion and enthusiasm in your speaking. Relax, take a deep breath, and enjoy the experience!

Author's Bio: 

Patricia J. Crane, Ph.D., is an author, speaker, and international workshop leader. Her upbeat and enthusiastic style makes her a favorite with audiences world wide. Her book, Ordering from the Cosmic Kitchen,has received all 5 star reviews on Amazon. For more information, go to and