Facts about implantation bleeding during pregnancy. Educate yourself about what is implantation bleeding, when does it occur, signs, symptoms and much more.

What is implantation bleeding?
It is not unusual that some women experience implantation bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy. Any ...Facts about implantation bleeding during pregnancy. Educate yourself about what is implantation bleeding, when does it occur, signs, symptoms and much more.

What is implantation bleeding?
It is not unusual that some women experience implantation bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy. Any vaginal bleeding outside implantation bleeding of pregnancy is classified as a threatened miscarriage, meaning the pregnancy is threatening to miscarriage. About 25% of all pregnancies are actually miscarried but 50% of all threatened miscarriages settle down and a normal pregnancy happens.

When does implantation bleeding occur?
Implantation bleeding occurs very early in pregnancy as a direct result of the fertilized egg (your growing baby) burying and snuggling its way into the lining of your womb. Implantation bleeding occurs about 10-14 days after the egg has been fertilized or when conception occurred. This is also around the time when your menstrual cycles would be expected.

Signs of Implantation Bleeding:
Signs of implantation bleeding can vary from one pregnant woman to another. It normally mild in nature and is much lighter than a normal menstrual period.

The color of implantation bleeding:
The color of implantation bleeding can vary form bright red to brown implantation bleeding. Bright red implantation bleeding means that there is an active area of bleeding within the womb and blood is flowing from the site of implantation to the vagina very quickly. It may indicate that implantation has just occurred.

Brown implantation bleeding is the color of old blood. When you get brown implantation bleeding it normally means that when the fertilized egg buried it way into the womb, a little blood was released. The bleeding that occurred at the moment of implantation stayed in the womb for some time so by the time you see it on your underwear or when you wipe yourself it showed up as brown implantation bleeding.

How long does implantation bleeding last?
Most cases of implantation bleeding last for a few minutes to a few days. If implantation bleeding lasts more than a few days then it may be a sign of vaginal infection or a threatened miscarriage.

How heavy is implantation bleeding?
Heavy implantation bleeding is unusual. The only thing you might notice with implantation bleeding is a pinkish or brown discharge when you wipe yourself after you go to the bathroom.

Cramps with implantation bleeding:
Cramps with implantation bleeding can happen. You may even experience cramps with or without bleeding. The reason you may experience cramps with implantation bleeding is because as the fertilized egg buries into your womb, it caused the muscle of your womb to contract. These contractions press on nerve endings and may result in mild to moderate menstrual like pains for 24-48 hours.

What to do if you have signs of implantation bleeding:
Don’t panic if you have any of the above signs of implantation bleeding. Remember 50% of all cases of implantation bleeding end up in a normal pregnancy.
Know your blood type. Depending on your partner’s blood type and if you are a rhesus negative blood type then it may be necessary to have an Rh-immune globulin injection within 24 hours of any pregnancy bleeding.

If you suspect you may be pregnant and your bleeding is from implantation bleeding then do a home pregnancy test. This home test should remain positive. If it is positive and you do not know your blood Rhesus factor, then call your provider for consultation for possible Rh-immune globulin.
Never insert a tampon, douche, or have sexual intercourse while you are bleeding.

Keep track of whether the bleeding is increasing or decreasing and how many pads you are using.
If you feel your pregnancy bleeding is heavier or lasting longer than the above ranges then call your health care provider for consultation immediately.

Bleeding during pregnancy is scary. Your fear is picked up by your unborn child. Intra uterine fear can stay with your child for a lifetime, so constantly reassure your baby that he or she is wanted and loved.

Pick up a FREE copy of midwives Hannah's eBook Birth, A Conscious Choice today! Her book follows the path of the child on its journey from the world of spirit through conception and birth. It explains the physical and energetic changes a woman must make to facilitate this incredible process of getting pregnant and maintain a pregnancy. To download just click on http://www.Lumalove.com.

Author's Bio: 

Hannah Bajor midwife, author, visionary creator and CEO behind the Lumalove® brand of childbirth related educational support products and services. Hannah is positioning her company Lumalove® to revolutionize what parents-to-be know about the getting pregnant, pregnancy and birthing process through her successful linkage of traditional and holistic childbirth education.