Where’s Inside?

When you think in terms of going inside yourself, where’s inside? Is it in you head, your heart, your soul, the universe? The true “inside” is in the realm of the nonphysical. A realm not limited to time and space. It’s the field of energy or frequency from which all form ultimately emerges. It’s the sensation of pulsing with the invisible, with the source of life that is the source of you and of me, that “non-place place” that contains the metaphoric embryonic fluid from which all life manifests. It is the truest field of dreams. Going inside means to remove our focus from the external. We shift our attention from the situation or perceived problem, and we connect with the dream of the possible. Not by looking into our physical world first, but by becoming congruent with the feeling/vibration of our potential. It’s all right there – right in the middle of nowhere. Right in the middle of now here.

It’s the birthplace of resolution. Going inside is getting quiet enough to immerse so thoroughly that the physical seems to fall way. Then, with a fresh canvas, we can create a new reality, a new potential for ourselves, our lives, and our world. Whether we’re problem solving or simply reconnecting to the beauty of all that is, always engage the inside – the spiritual, non-physical side of ourselves first, and bring that renewed and revitalized awareness into our external world.

Remember it takes two for war and one for peace. Be at peace with yourself, bring that attitude into your world, and you will find all things so much easier, so much more peaceful, and definitely more fun.

May this day be filled for you with the limitless bounty of the inner planes, manifested through you in your physical world!

Sandy Brewer, author of Pursuit of Light, An Extraordinary Journey (www.PursuitOfLight.com)

If you would like to have Sandy speak for your organization, please contact her through her website or through her publisher, PeachTreeHouse,Inc at 760-230-8123.

Every moment is a choice and every choice reverberates.
It's a frequency that echoes not only within the walls of our
own personhood, but it pulses like and ever-expanding eddy
into our environment, touching and potentially influencing everyone who comes in contact with it. Every moment presents an opportunity to
"pay it forward."

Sandy Brewer
Come join ASK SANDY the official web blog of the PursuitofLight.com at either Sandy's main web-site or at http://sandybrewer.typepad.com.

This web blog is intended to produce a more intimate conversation and dialogue between you and Sandy. As a consequence, Ask Sandy is designed not only to post standard article type blogs, but also to have specific blogs in which you the audience, may post questions directly to Sandy, and she will respond and answer your selected questions.


Author's Bio: 

Sandy Brewer, author, speaker, therapist, coach and humanitarian, has lived a life that is a testament to the triumph of the human spirit, which is brilliantly captured in her Best-selling memoir, Pursuit of Light, An Extraordinary Journey. For over thirty years Sandy has helped and inspired thousands of people to move beyond their personal challenges in order to explore and embrace the possibilities in their own lives. She has spoken at venues from Alice Tully Hall in Lincoln Center, New York, to Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. She is a regular contributor to Global Woman Magazine and has been featured on numerous television shows including a special segment on her life and work on NBC’s Nightly News with Tom Brokaw and a nationally televised documentary.

Sandy, with her compelling compassion, wit, and wisdom, offers a pathway out of darkness into light with warmth and richness. She is a dynamic, inspirational woman who suffered such severe and near-fatal abuse as a child that she was drawn so deeply into the dark that she found the light. With her empowering insights and natural good-humor, Sandy offers the profound lessons of her personal journey and how they apply equally to people from all walks of life and in all circumstances. Along the road to her own healing, she developed seminal techniques that enabled her not only to overcome, but also literally gain strength from these experiences. She has devoted her life to helping adults and children recognize that they are loved, and that no matter what happened yesterday it is insignificant to what lies within the core of one’s being today. Now Sandy has memorialized her innovative work and techniques in Pursuit of Light, An Extraordinary Journey, an entertaining, soul-stirring, master trope in the art of healing that shares her true-life story of how she came to find the presence of Light within her, and the “how to’s” of choice – how you, too, can look at your life from a new perspective and create new choices.

Sandy Brewer is available to speak to your group or organization and can be reached either directly at 760-230-8123 or through your Speakers’ Bureau.