When you are running your own network marketing or MLM business on a budget, nothing sounds better than the word "free." What sounds even better is "free and good." If you are looking for ways to maximize your network marketing dollar then you should definitely check out these three types of MLM free software.
The three kinds of MLM free software we discuss in this article are designed to help you reach out to your prospects and stay in touch with them via email and the internet. They are email/ezine software, blogging software, and PDF software. All of the software mentioned in this article is available for download on multiple sites, including www.tucows.com and www.download.com.
- Email/ezine software: If you want to reach out to your prospects en masse, having a program that will handle batches of email for you, instead of you sending out personal emails one by one, is a great time saver. Consider MailList Controller Free, Inwise Desktop Free Newsletter Software Standard, and GroupMail Free Edition. All but Inwise have a 100-email limit per mailing, but they are still great MLM free software!
- Blogging software: Sometimes there is no better way to express yourself than with a blog (short for weblog, basically an online diary). You can post success stories about your business opportunity, pictures, personal stuff, links to your website and all kinds of other goodies on your blog. It allows your prospects to get to know you, especially in the impersonal world of the internet, before you ever talk to them. The best free blog sites include www.blogger.com, www.livejournal.com, and www.wordpress.com -- more MLM free software to take advantage of.
- PDF software: If you are creating downloadable ebooks and other kinds of content that you want to prevent people from copying, the simple thing to do is to make it into a PDF file. With many PDF files, you can prevent your readers from copying from, changing, or even printing your stuff. Free PDF software that really work include PrimoPDF and CutePDF Writer. These are essentials for the network marketer on a budget looking for MLM free software.
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Stephanie Yeh and Leta Worthington are long-time successful internet network marketers.
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