Step 1. Take a deep breath. There is a lot of clutter in the brain right now and plenty of negative thoughts that are getting in the way of you thinking clearly. What you need now is mental focus, focus that you need to pierce through the clouds of doubt in your heads and then transport yourself to a place of peace where you can sort yourself out and think about the things in your life that matter to you. Breathing exercises allow you to focus on your mind and breathe in. By using breathing exercises, you are able to meditate in the same way that practitioner use to clear their own mind. One thing you need to understand about the state of mind is that people with low self esteem have plenty of things in their mind, things that are dragging them down to a level that is way beyond their potential.
Step 2. And this is one of the more important steps that you need to consider, and this step allows you to take stock of your strengths and weaknesses. What you need to do is to make a list of the strengths and weaknesses that you have within you. One of the things that is most important in making this list is that you cannot make this list on your own. You need to recruit the help of your loved ones and people that know you best to help you make this list. Once you are able to compare what you think of yourself with what people think are the best points about you, then you are able to see what the disparity is and how you can adjust it so that there is a compromise between the two. Some psychologists actually call this the feel good list and for good reason, this is a list that people use to remind themselves of how good they are and where their strengths lie.
Step 3. This is another facet of a list, and you need to put down a list of everything that you have achieved in your life and with each success, celebrate it in some small way. One of the most interesting things about this list is the ability to slowly elate the person and slowly build them the confidence and self esteem that they need. The building blocks of a person with high self esteem is positivity and in this case, you need all the positivity that you can get to launch yourself out of the doldrums of your life and stretch your potential like never before. With this list, you can slowly rebuild yourself with positive energy.
These are some of the things that you can use to rebuild your self esteem, and as you can see, these methods are pretty easy to do and you can do this in your own time and sometimes, in the comfort of your own home. Building your self esteem and confidence never was so easy.
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