There is no purer form of success; no more exact and demanding test of what you are capable of, than to achieve a desirable outcome.
A quality life is an example of what can be accomplished when thoughtful attention, goal setting and purposeful action come together without compromise.
The thing that makes goal setting both exciting and important is the results achieved because of it. But the ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them, for what you become, you’ll soon find, is so much more important than the goal itself.
Although the definition of success is quite different for each individual, the fundamentals for achieving a goal will forever remain the same. That process begins with decisiveness, proceeds to focus, advances to action, then carries on with persistence and follow-through before ending in victory. There is no other way.
Goal setting takes your life and gives it direction as it helps you to determine:
· What you specifically want to achieve
· Why this achievement is so important
· Who will help you achieve to this goal
· Where you stand in relation to this goal
· How you plan on accomplishing this goal
· When, on what date will you achieve your goal
These are questions that only one person can answer. You!
If time is money, then goal setting is invaluable, for goals keep you focused, on time, and on schedule. You are responsible for your own success. You either work hard for what you want or you don’t. If you want to be successful in any endeavor take complete ownership of the process, which begins with goal setting.
It is out of vogue to speak of goal setting, but there is nothing more fashionable than success, which owes its very life to goals.
Success requires that you pass the test before the learning the lesson. It requires patience to create anything of lasting value; it requires hard choices, complete commitment and total focus.
Success wants you to pursue your goals with great devotion and passion and says no to you when you are unprepared to appreciate it. Success demands dedication, discipline, hard work, and courage. It requires your utmost attention and will not allow itself to be taken for granted.
Success must be earned, deserved, respected and appreciated. It plays by specific, non-negotiable rules; it will always require that goals be clearly identified, plans in place and action consistently enforced.
The basics of goal setting and results orientation are simple. If you want to get better outcomes, you must prioritize every action and activity you undertake.
You must compartmentalize everything you do in order to remain focused on the goal at hand. You must maximize your time and energy to capture the goal.
No one has the market cornered on success – it’s unlimited as to what you can be, do and have. But to enjoy success, you must learn the fundamentals of goal setting and be willing to invest a lifetime of discipline to continually enforce those fundamentals.
Like any other good habit, you must do a few things and repeat them consistently to ensure that it will stay with you for life.
Most people have no training on how to successfully set and achieve a goal. They may try various strategies, finally acquiring some knowledge through the bitter pill of experience.
This is like learning to drive by having a series of accidents. Keep this in mind: if you do not profit from your mistakes, someone else will!
Your mind, while blessed with permanent memory, is cursed with lousy recall. Written goals are catalysts; transforming agents for success and achievement. They must be written, as those kept only in your mind have an uncanny way of remaining figments of your imagination.
From eureka to achievement, the evolution of a goal begins in the mind and immediately takes shape when pen is put to paper. The goal progresses from thought to sketch; from sketch to action; and finally from action to achievement, in real time.
The achievement of a goal is an exemplary tale of power, purpose, and potential. So, embrace a small, select list of goals that gratify your passion and which beg for your attention. The ones that say “come and get me”.
But remember that no goal is complete until it’s entirely finished. Halfway doesn’t count, nor do good intentions or high hopes. For a goal to be achieved, it must be saturated with personal integrity and ample doses of follow through.
Success begets success, as it begets a strong desire to continually seek new adventures. A goal achieved is a mark of personal growth and mastery. It means that you have accomplished what you set out to do; that you have grown in ability and ambition and that you are now prepared to take on new challenges.
Will goal-setting ever become non-essential?
If history is any judge, the answer is a resounding no. Goal setting is a responsibility for those who seek success and for everyone who wants to continue to develop personally and professionally. Goal setting is a responsibility that most definitely counts!
Gary Ryan Blair is the inspiration behind the Got Goals? phenomenon -
Got Goals? is an exciting, lifestyle brand that champions the human spirit. Our mission and reason for existence is to inspire people of ALL ages to live into their full potential through learning resources, training programs, and apparel that make the heart sing, mind expand and the spirit soar.
We offer world-class resources for individuals and corporations. To get a free copy of How to Create the Ideal Life, click here now
Gary can be reached for speaking, coaching and media requests at 877-462-5748 or by sending an email to
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