Shore Slocum has worked for more than 20 years in the personal development field helping companies and individuals achieve success. A few of his corporate clients include FedEx, Southwest Airlines, Quaker Oats, and Prudential. Notable individuals include Norman Schwarzkopf, Mary Lou Retton, Larry King, Zig Ziglar, Bobby Knight, Dan O’Brien and Christopher Reeve.

Shore’s education includes both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Religious/Spiritual Studies, and he also holds a Doctorate in Holistic Theology. “The Living Kabbalah System” sold out during the first weekend of its release. Shore’s “Evolution of Spirit” is a series of books that will show you how to apply his core teachings to your life.

Plugging into one’s passion is something Shore encourages us all to do. He’s found in his own life that the times he wasn’t plugged in were the times that there was no fire in his life. When he was plugged in, much like the teachings of “The Secret”, things almost magically appeared in his life, whether it be people, resources, or simply a creative mind.

Along that same line of thinking, Shore believes we all have a reason for living. There’s some reason we’re here and something we’re supposed to do. We each have a gift, and to truly live your passions, you have to plug into that gift and share it with the world.

Although he later got his college degrees, college wasn’t at all on Shore’s mind as a young man. He graduated early, so at age 17, against his family’s wishes, he gave up college to work in sales at a local department store. He came from a family of doctors, lawyers, and veterinarians, so they all assumed he would follow in the same footsteps.

After his first Christmas of working 95 hour weeks, Shore decided retail sales wasn’t the life of his dreams after all. This is where “plugging into your passions” came into play. Only after Shore saw a need for change in his life was he able to see other opportunities.

The opportunity Shore saw was a free seminar with Anthony Robbins. A client introduced him to Anthony Robbins, and after only 20 minutes of the seminar, Shore knew this was the life he was meant to lead. He was only 18 years old, but at the break, he went up to Tony, introduced himself, and said “I’m going to work for you. When do I start?” After only six days, he’d moved from Oregon to California to start his dream job.

For nearly 25 years since that day, Shore has been helping others plug into their own passions. It hasn’t always been easy, of course, but it’s been fulfilling to him. When you find your path and follow it no matter what, the burning fire in your spirit makes life feel much more passionate.

Author's Bio: 

Liz & Ric Thompson are the founders of Healthy Wealthy nWise. They’ve studied and interviewed hundreds of the most successful people in the world and have brought their wisdom, tips, success and personal development secrets to people through their website and their online magazine. Learn all about HWnW by going to