I knew instantly which room in our house would be my office. It was bright, with french doors and a big window overlooking our front garden. It was painted lime green . . . not a color we would choose, but other rooms needed painting attention first. So we moved in our new modular desk, bunches of bookshelves and every book, picture, and object that had ever inspired me along my path to creating this business. Now I'm ready, I thought!
That was many months and 4 office re-arrangements ago! (Thank you to my ever-patient, understanding, loving, furniture moving, wire arranging, husband!) We put the desk on another wall, tried moving the computer to a different area, and bought more shelves and cabinets to try to make it work for me. I added more things to inspire me. Each re-arrangement felt better than the last, and I had some great results, including revising my entire website . . . but things still felt off.
In the end it was a friend's comment that solved it for me. It was something like this: "No wonder you have no clarity about how to create what you want . . . look at all this stuff that is distracting you!" Suddenly, I felt completely empowered - I didn't need the books. I realized I knew my stuff without needing to consult them. Most of the books hadn't even been opened in years. I immediately cleared out two boxes of books to donate and more "stuff" that I realized wasn't inspiring to me anymore. We even took down three out of four bookshelves, leaving lots of extra room . . . lovely! I knew my intention was to create passion and joy in my work, so I painted the room a happy yellow and hung orange curtains. It is a productive and invigorating space now. Suddenly articles, newsletters, and classes, started to fall into place with clarity and inspiration. I've been planning and working on this stuff for months . . . who knew it would take some orange curtains and a trip to Goodwill to get it done!
It still surprises me, but I love it when the Feng Shui clicks into place. It's so empowering when the path is suddenly illuminated. It's even more gratifying to watch my clients as Feng Shui opens up the flow and starts supporting them. Sometimes it takes some time to get it right. But when it's right - it's magic!
Kerri Miller is a Holistic Health Practitioner, coaching those seeking better health by integrating Nutritional Coaching, Energetic Healing, Aromatherapy and other natural therapies into customized, empowering wellness programs. She is also a Feng Shui Consultant, assisting homeowners and business owners in creating spaces that reflect their best harmony, support and comfort.
Kerri is the founder of Holistic Living Resources, a company dedicated to creating awareness of the natural therapies available to support a healthy, balanced, holistic lifestyle and to empowering people to take control of their own well-being using holistic tools including Feng Shui, Nutrition, Herbs, Aromatherapy, and Reiki. Her mission is to inspire others to live an abundant, joyous and healthy life that is guided by one’s own inspiration and intuition. Kerri is also a teacher and professional speaker, facilitating programs for individuals and organizations on topics on Holistic Wellness, Aromatherapy and Feng Shui. She maintains a company website: www.HolisticLivingResources, and publishes Holistic Living News, a free monthly e-zine for those that are interested in tools that encourage well-being.
Kerri Miller is a graduate of the Natural Healing Institute in Encinitas, CA, where she studied Holistic Health, focusing on Nutrition, Herbalism, and Aromatherapy. She is also a graduate of the Western School of Feng Shui in San Diego, CA where she has studied both Form and Compass Feng Shui. Kerri has also trained as a Reiki Master, and continues to expand her abilities in all forms of energetic and intuitive healing.
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