Emotions are very complex experiences connected to our mental, physical, and spiritual makeup. Though we generally consider these properties to be one, they are essentially three different parts of our being and are generally responsible for the day-to-day challenges most of us face.
If we take a look at a human brain, we notice the Limbic System, a peculiar group of connected structures encompassing the central core of the brain. The Limbic System is home to types of “primitive behaviors” primarily concerned with the basic needs for survival but also includes the area of emotions.
From birth, we are being constantly bombarded by outside stimuli and quickly become conditioned to react to certain responses. These conditioned responses work to shape our being, both the unconscious and conscious areas of our existence.
Imagine a computer program that has been programmed to output specific responses. Unless we reprogram the computer code, we will always receive the same response. But if we update it to follow a new set of requirements, we can get it to behave differently.
As we become more self aware, we realize that certain patterns in our life keep repeating themselves. Understanding these life patterns can help us glean knowledge from our past successes and failures.
We need to take ourselves through a series of steps, asking important introspective questions and moving towards a more desirable outcome.
When faced with a challenge or an obstacle, ask yourself if you’ve encountered something similar before. How did you react? Was the outcome desirable and how did it make me feel?
The next step is to decide what you need to do to reach a more desirable outcome in the future. What changes need to be made in your thought processes to improve upon the current situation? Is it really external circumstance that keeps leading you to the same place or is it an internal thought pattern that has conditioned you to behave in such a way.
After you recognize the repetitive thought patterns that you have been engaging in, it’s time to consciously ask how it made you feel. Did it make you feel angry or upset the last time you experienced it or did it leave you feeling positive and good? Are these repetitive thoughts your own thoughts or are they thoughts that you have been conditioned to believe by your parents, siblings, significant others, or by society.
The next step is to identify new thoughts you could. How would these new thoughts make you feel? Would they lead you to the same outcome as your previous thoughts or would they lead you to a more positive outcome? Would you be willing to adopt these new thought patterns and align yourself in a way so that you are able to implement them?
At the end of each day, it is important to find a quiet place where you can be alone and reflect upon your reactions to each situation that life threw at you during the day. Use a journal to write down exactly how each situation made you feel.
Finally, it is important to forgive yourself for your mistakes and to allow yourself to move forward the next day. After doing this, you will notice your sleep is much more restful as the burden of self-unforgiveness is released. A mental healing will take place and you will be able to begin each new day one step closer to your goal of positive well being. This will take a certain amount of self-persistence but it is possible and the end result will be well worth it.
Did you know that today we can find footprints of toxins within our bodies including petrochemicals, heavy metals, pesticides and organic solvents? And that we can uncover our exact deficiencies in fatty acids, amino acids, trace elements, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins?
This comes from a very unique approach that applies a specific science as the critical component in delivering personalized health maintenance to my clients. And this has become my passion.
My own health is what has driven me to become supremely qualified as a holistic health practitioner.
The journey began in 1984, when I first understood that the mind-body-soul connection is the key to vibrant health. It is called psycho-neuro–immunology. My path of discovery has been an exciting one and, at almost 70, I marvel at how it has worked to keep me focused, healthy and dynamic.
Helping people to understand how they can take charge of their own health has become my main priority. Hence, the educational process which shows others what is challenging their health and how to change is a rewarding process for both parties.
My education in Nutritional and Environmental Medicine with ACNEM (Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine www.acnem.org ) started in 1999 and continues to this day as the understanding of the human body magnifies. If you click on the practitioners tab on their site, you will find me listed under Western Australia.
By 2002 I was involved in looking at pathology profiles with completely different eyes. It deepened my understanding of certain scientific laboratory technologies that can define and suggest how to rectify health imbalances before they mature into full-fledged disease.
Today we pinpoint dysfunctions in human physiology by measuring imbalances in digestion, hormones, acid stress, inflammation, calcium metabolism, oxidative stress, connective tissue strength and protein metabolism.
What all those big words mean is that, through specific technologies, I can help you get beyond individual symptoms so you can see the overall picture and dramatically improve your feeling of well-being.
To help me work even more effectively, I have invested in acquiring greater communication tools. In 1999, I obtained my qualifications as a Certified Master Practitioner in NLP and Certified Advanced Eriksonian Hypnosis.
I trained under Terry McGlendon whose program is endorsed by the Royal College of General Practitioners and Applied Psychology in Australia. He is the only Australian to be part of the original group that studied with highly esteemed co-developers Dr. Richard Bandler and Dr. John Grinder from its inception in 1972.
Are you interested in what the underlying causes are of snoring, sleep apnea, fibromyalgia, certain depressions, excessive tiredness and other health challenges? The list goes on and on. And all of them are symptoms that can be addressed with what it is I do.
For more information, go to http://www.HelenaEderveen.com
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