This is such a positive, upbeat article that I cannot wait to share it with you. This is about the ones we love, the teens of the Millennial Generation. And, what a fabulous generation it is. Before discussing this wonderful bunch, I want to give you a contrast to the generations prior to the Millennial so that you can identify with the one you grew up in. Take a hard look at your generation before pointing fingers at the Millennials.
The Baby Boomers -- born 1946-1964. 78 million strong and highly diverse. You cannot pin this generation with too many generalizations. Born in 1958, this is my generation. I have 4 other siblings in it as well (the other 2 are in different generations). I had one brother in Vietnam and one protesting the war at college, living out of a van, with hair to his hips. It was a time to be dis-establishment, baby! Hallmarks of the Baby Boomers are: Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll! There are almost two distinct groups in this generation. The older boomers came of age in the 1960's. Think of what was happening then --President John F. Kennedy,Dr. Martin Luther King and Senator Bobby Kennedy were all assassinated. Civil Rights and Vietnam were covering the media in a way that we had never before witnessed. It was a violent, turbulent time. Thank Goodness for the Beatles and the Motown Sound! This is the "hippie" side of the Boomer generation.
The Late Boomers -- came of age in the 70's and 80's (born between 1954 and 1960). They had different music, lived through Watergate, Nixon, the Reagan years, the Cold War, inflation, the gas embargo, and the ENERGY CRISIS. (Remember the year that nobody put up outdoor Christmas lights?) The days of protesting for women's rights, civil rights, and the war in Vietnam were now over. The Late Boomers of today are busy-- most are raising their kids and life is a juggling act of balancing the needs of the household; even though most desire their life purpose and self actualization someday.
The next generation, the X'ers born 1965-1980. They were teens in the late 70's, 80's and early 90's. The hallmark of their generation is, sadly, the one that focused on what their parents wanted (the Baby Boomers). They were often viewed as barriers to their parents' fulfillment. Latchkey Kid was coined for these teens, divorces were on the rise, thus giving the X'ers much fear of commitment. As a result, they became independent, resilient and adaptable. Their saying is "I don't need anybody looking over my shoulder". They do not complain, they look for solutions. They also dislike authority and rigid work situations.
Who are the Millenials? Teens born 1982-2000. They are the most hopeful group that we will see in a hundred years. Their best traits are:
• Abundance -- they have never had to worry about food, shelter, school, etc. because it has always been provided for them.
• Academically oriented -- Good, because colleges are getting more and more competitive. These teens know this and step up to the plate by increasing their SAT scores (some take SAT prep classes)!
• Civic and service minded -- They have grown up with a lot terrorism (Columbine, 9/11, Oklahoma City) and natural disasters (the Tsunami and Katrina) and disappointments (OJ trial and Princess Diana's death). They have witnessed the fireman, policeman, and public official digging in with their sleeves rolled up. They have contributed to relief efforts -- many teens have raised money themselves or through school and church fund raisers.
• Spiritually oriented-- Yes, they are church-goers. They are spiritual, positive, and best of all, they like their parents and families! Yeah!
• They do not know racial discrimination -- it is not even in their vocabulary. They are diverse because they did not grow up with adversity. They truly see everyone as equals. They have grown up together and feel comfortable with each other.
• They are also highly sophisticated with technology. I think multitasking was coined for this generation. And, if you don't believe me, watch your teen with that computer. Watch how they type, get instant messages, surf the web or Face book, etc. They can get an IM and a text message at the same time. Some teens can respond at the same time using different hands!
To further tout this generation, they will literally take us all into the next millennium. They are well nurtured, well connected, abundant, academically talented, and have leadership qualities. Now, I ask you go back to your generation. Can you say the same?
Some more attributes of the Millennials are:
• Personal satisfaction with what they are doing is a priority
• Having close relationships and a close group of friends is meaningful
• Less than 1/3 define success in terms of money
• Less than 1/4 define success in terms of being famous
• Less than 1/10 feel being attractive or popular is an attribute of success
Oh yes, let's talk about the 'risky behaviors' -- sex, drugs, and alcohol. They are 3 for 3 on the decline. I know -- it was hard for me to believe it too. These kids are either not having sex or are being smarter about it. (I am not going to debate it, the stats say they are on the decline). Incidentally, the teens who talk with their parents about the 'risky behaviors' are the ones who are less likely to engage in such behaviors. I will be talking more about risky behavior, but just wanted you to rest assured that our teens are really cleaning up the 'generational act'.
My generation, the Baby Boomers, pale in comparison, but I am proud to have raised two wonderful Millennial sons. It makes me happy to be able to report such good news. Give your teen a hug and appreciate how AWESOME they are!
As usual, I would love your input, feedback and concerns. If you would like to make some comments about your generation feel free to email me at
The next tele-seminar is Thursday, November 20th from 7-8:00 PM EST. “Enhancing Communication with your Teen :Part 2”. We will be talking about:
What gets in the way of communication
How to turn door slammers into door openers
Other ways of keeping the lines of communication open with your teenager
Call today for a free Get Acquainted Call and see if coaching with Elaine will benefit you! Group coaching is done telephonically on a bridge line. You will receive resident wisdom, leveraged knowledge, insights, experience and listening from an objective point of view.
If you sign up during November, you will get 1/2 price coaching.
Elaine Gaither
Your Parent Partner
PO Box 78484
Indianapolis, IN 46278
Graduated from Indiana University School of Nursing in 1982
I have certifications in Coaching, Group Coaching and am a Holistic Stress Management Instructor
I have 17 years of experience with teens on an Adolescent Psychiatric Unit and in Youth Ministry. The past 6 years were spent coaching at Clarian Health Partners in the Health and Wellness department..
My most cherished role is of being a Mom to my 26 and 21 year old sons. To say that I come from a "been there done that perspective is an understatement". Raising my sons was the precursor to my 7 Step Guide to YOUR Peace of Mind system. It is just the relief that you have been waiting for- because, we weren't given any manuals with our teens.
I know because I have been where you are, I have found solutions and I want to share them with you!
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