Plenty of people want to be SUCCESSFUL or attract ABUNDANCE but they have little understanding of how powerful their ‘Fear of Change’ maybe holding them back.
These fears have nothing to do with your character but more about your barriers or limitations, the things we put up to “safe guard” ourselves from feeling like a failure whether real or imagined.
You see in order to succeed at anything, something about yourself, your lifestyle, your thinking patterns, your habits etc has to change. And after all … most of us are creatures of habit, we find it comfortable to have things as they are even if we want things to change.
So if any of the following statements ring true for you, then, my friend we have some work to do.
• I don’t want to change
• I’m afraid to change
• I want to stay where I am
• I have a conflict about being successful
• A family member/friend said I would never be successful
• It’s easier to stay where I am
• Being successful is too much work
• I don’t deserve to be successful or abundant
Everyone has the potential to succeed but a lot of people tend to have what I call SELF IMAGE-Itis, which is perhaps the world’s most prevalent disease, it affects almost everyone – even successful / abundant people. SELF IMAGE- Itis affects peoples performances at work, in business, in sports, at school, with weight or health issues, in relationships and more. CAN it be FIXED – ABSOLUTELY.
As a SELF IMAGE SPECIALIST at Gain Back Your Life Centre I use Emotional Freedom Technique to help people overcome their barriers. Our practice in helping people with SELF IMAGE issues and is so successful we can now say that our RESULTS are GUARANTEED or your money back.
Working with a lady who had weight issues for over 15 plus years through diagnostic techniques I helped her identified that she had a fear of change, she was comfortable in her situation even though she didn’t like it, she also feared that if she lost weight she might loss her friends who were also over weight – after 5 weeks of working with her on these issues had been resolved for her, she reported her lifestyle had changed immensely – she started walking regularly and reported she lost 10 pounds in that time frame.
Can the FEAR of CHANGE be overcome OBSO – freakin – LUTELY
Gillian Tarawhiti
Self Image Specialist
Author Bio: Gillian Tarawhiti - SELF IMAGE SPECIALIST: Bsc, Dip BM, Dip Ed, CEO of Gain Back Your Life Centre, A Certified EFT Practitioner, Member of AAMET.
What is a self image specialist? To put it plainly I help individuals, companies and organisations to help them overcome their 'Self Image-itis' which just about everyone has. I help people identify what their limitations/barriers are that affect their performance at work, in business, in sports, at school, weight issues, in relationships and more then help them GET RID OF IT. RESULTS GUARANTEED or your MONEY BACK
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