Fixing Broken Realities & Creating Better Ones.
William Cottringer, Ph.D.

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” ~Arthur Schopenhauer.

I believe I may have tapped into a very fundamental truth about successful reality repair—fixing broken realities you don’t like and creating newer, better ones you want. This simple truth appears to have infinite possibilities and applications in real life. I guess I will find out the truth of this truth by the reactions I get in line with the above quote!

A few days ago I finished reading three phenomenal books all simultaneously (a new approach for me). The triage was Deborah Johnson’s “Your Deepest Intent,” Deepak Chopra’s “The Third Jesus,” and Gregg Braden’s “The Divine Matrix.” These powerful books inspired me to get off my butt and finish my own reconciliation and rejoining of all the wisdom of science, psychology, religion and spirituality which I have been collecting over the years, so I could wrap up my ideas for this Reality Repair Rx book of mine.

The result of my efforts was the following inevitable conclusion: Before you can be successful in the reality repair business you have to become intimately involved with understanding the very basic process of reality creation, or more bluntly, of creation itself.

At this point in my own mental evolution, I believe that the current physical, psychological and spiritual reality we perceive, sense, think, feel, intuit, and experience was all started about 15-20 billion years ago (in our traditional, mechanical time measurement). The resulting energy of everything (hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon) eventually developing into the four corners of the universe—minerals, plants, animals and humans—exploded from God’s densely packed soul when the original thought and feeling love energies collided into infinite passion.

Wherever we are in space and time, we are very much an active participant in the infinite, ongoing creation of reality (even when we are not trying or consciously aware of it). The original perfect simplicity and order of ether energy bursts forth furiously into chaotic separations, which get reordered and reunited, which again divides into more chaos and ad infinitum, back and forth for the eternal now moment.

Such thinking in turn results in realizing the inescapable truth that all things were and still are connected to this very fundamental creative process that is going on—being whole in unity and simplicity, going to separation and complexity and being rejoined. Everything that has happened, is happening and will happen is part of this never ending circle of life.

From here we arrive at a very powerful insight—if reality started with the passionate consciousness of the collision of the original thought and feeling inside the Creator’s soul—then that is the key to successful reality repair. We have to orchestrate the needed passionate consciousness, from allowing our most powerful thoughts and feelings to collide, in order to focus this intense consciousness to re-arrange unfolding reality. Ha…no small wonder why this is easier said than done. It isn’t nearly as easy as the popularly marketed “The Secret” taunts most of us into believing.

It’s obviously not a mere matter of wishing your dreams to come true. You have to make the effort to passionately weave their critical parts into the existing fabric of reality. But the good news is there is a legitimate short cut. The best way to orchestrate the needed collision between our thoughts and feelings is learning about the grandmother of all “P” Points (well-timed and well-placed little transformations of thinking that get BIG results). This grandmother “P” Point is the concept of paradigm-perspective shifting. This is when you start shifting a major viewpoint of seeing basic realities as either-or-, and-and, or somewhere in between, over, under or beyond.

Here are some important “P” Point paradigm-perspectives to learn about:

• Shifting from a positive, realistic surviving position to an infinitely more positive thriving one.
• Removing all the safe space between being a passive reacting observer to an active participant in life.
• Transforming your ego-pride false insecurity into humble genuine security.
• Preferring to give up superior exclusionary thinking for empathetic inclusionary respect.
• Changing from zero-sum game, win-lose mentality to a win-win one.

Changing these “P” Point paradigm-perspectives by thought and feeling collisions is what gets the most significant results in our reality repairing efforts. But it is a slow and gradual process that seems to suddenly happen overnight. What can you do to facilitate this natural process to be more successful in your reality repair efforts? Try answering these questions:

1. What reality is happening before my very eyes?
2. Do I have the best viewpoint to see this reality clearly and completely?
3. Where is this reality going and for what purpose?
4. How do I know for sure that this reality is: (a) good, true and beneficial, or (b) bad, false and destructive?
5. If it is (a) what do I need to do to continue it?
6. If it is (b) what can I do to change the reality in a different direction?

I know, easier said then done, so a few more clues:

• Much successful reality repair involves slowing down to notice the subtle connections between thoughts and feelings and the results you get from them (like negative, exclusionary thinking, bad feelings, and undesirable results).
• Consider making the effort to seek out new knowledge and experiences different from what you know.
• Study historical examples of paradigm-perspective shifts and the enormous benefits they brought, i.e., the flat vs. round view of the world, traditional physics vs. quantum mechanics. Studying psychopathic failures vs. positive psychology successes, and analogical vs. digital technology.
• Focus your thoughts and actions on answering two end-of life questions affirmatively: How much joy did you enjoy and how much joy did you bring to others?
• Stay tuned for “Reality Repair Rx” coming soon.

Author's Bio: 

William Cottringer, Ph.D. is President of Puget Sound Security in Bellevue, WA., along with being a Sport Psychologist, Business Success Coach, Photographer and Writer. He is author of several business and self-development books, including, You Can Have Your Cheese & Eat It Too (Executive Excellence), The Bow-Wow Secrets (Wisdom Tree), and Do What Matters Most and “P” Point Management (Atlantic Book Publishers). This article is part of his new book Reality Repair Rx coming soon. Bill can be reached for comments or questions at (425) 454-5011 or