A new therapeutic discovery that can change your life overnight!
I was sitting at a table on my front porch eating lunch when a large June bug came flying by, loudly buzzing my head. In the past I would have jumped up in fright and ran into the house, possibly spilling my lunch in my haste. But this time I calmly sat there, picked up a newspaper and swatted it away. Why such a drastic change in response? As long as I can remember I’ve had an intense fear of large flying bugs, and would run away from them whenever I could. But two years ago I discovered EFT, (Emotional Freedom Technique) and utilized its simple technique to cure myself overnight of this phobia. No one was more astounded and pleased at this change than I!
As a psychotherapist in private practice, I used this technique extensively and saw immediate, dramatic changes even in client’s who had deep-seated psychiatric issues they had not been able to overcome during years of therapy. EFT worked so quickly I was afraid I’d put myself out of business, but instead my practice grew as people referred their friends.
I remember a businessman who had such a fear of public speaking he felt almost paralyzed when his boss asked him to give a presentation at a forthcoming meeting. He came to my office stating he would rather quit his job than stand up before his colleagues and give a speech. A traditional therapist, especially one using psychoanalysis, might take years to determine the source of this fear, but Mr. Smith didn’t have that kind of time; he needed to change before next Monday. Utilizing EFT I was able to help him overcome his phobia in only two sessions, which amazed both of us!
EFT is a new healing modality that requires no drugs or surgery and is now being widely used by a variety of professionals, from therapists to medical doctors, chiropractors to acupuncturists, and, for simple problems, the technique can even be self-taught and utilized. In less than 10 years, practitioners worldwide have marveled at its ingenious simplicity and accelerated means of transforming people’s lives, not only psychologically, but physically.
Dubbed “The Tapping Cure,” EFT is a revolutionary modality for rapid relief of an astonishing number of problems, such as phobias, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, pain reduction and insomnia. It usually takes only a few minutes to do, and
requires neither medication nor psychiatric intervention. And you don’t have to lie on a couch free-associating for months or years, exploring your childhood.
This new technique has a variety of names, but all are considered to be “Energy Therapies.” The basic premise of EFT is that “the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system,” and utilizing this modality will restore the system to perfect balance. It’s a modification of the healing method of acupressure but uses tapping with one’s fingers, instead of needles, to stimulate traditional Chinese acupuncture points. Tapping on the designated points on one’s face and neck is combined with verbalizing the identified problem, followed by an affirmation phrase. Deviating radically from traditional therapy, the technique seems somewhat bizarre, and no one really knows exactly why it works. but it is said to reset the circuits in a person’s nervous system, which become “stuck,” like a needle caught in the groove of a record, causing us to react inappropriately to certain stimuli. We tend to create emotional blocks as a way to bury painful feelings that we think we can’t handle. As a result, physical pain often develops in our muscles and joints, or we may develop emotional problems such as phobias and depression. EFT unlocks the blocks or resistances that are surrounding the pain so you can release it.
The original pioneer was a renowned chiropractor, George Goodheart, and then was promoted by a medical doctor, John Diamond, and psychologist Roger Callahan. Stanford engineer Gary Craig became involved and dramatically simplified and improved the technique, making it available, efficient and affordable to everyone. The EFT manual is free and can be downloaded at www.emofree.com. Professional people may wish to have more in-depth training at one of Craig’s seminars, or purchase his training videos. At Craig’s internet site one can read hundreds of stories of people who have used EFT to successfully overcome an astonishing variety of problems. The possible issues that can be helped by EFT are endless, including emotional and physical pain. The power of these simple techniques is phenomenal and may be easily mastered by anyone, such as therapists, ministers, coaches and even laypersons.
Dr. Fred Feldstein reports a case on the “emofree” website of a woman who got poison ivy all over her body and was continuously itching, particularly on her legs. He had her start by saying “Even though I have this severe itching on my leg from poison ivy I am now allowing my body to rapidly heal itself.” After only one round of EFT she didn’t feel the itching anymore, but it came back in the middle of the night. She then repeated the tapping points herself, and it went away immediately, and never returned.
Dr Patricia Carrington, Ph.D., an EFT Master and professor at Princeton University, (ww.masteringeft.com) reports a case of helping an insomniac get to sleep with the phrase: “Even though I have trouble going to sleep, I choose to feel pleasantly drowsy and can drift off into sleep whenever I’m ready.” She stresses you should not tell yourself to go to sleep because this can hook our natural resistance to being told what to do.
EFT consists of four ingredients: 1. The Setup; 2. The Sequence; 3. The 9 Gamut Procedure and 4. The Sequence Repeated.
The Setup consists of a sentence that prepares your energy system for the rest of the Basic Recipe, like preparing the basic ingredients for baking a cake. Instead of denying you have a particular problem, or refusing to face it, the Setup consists of a sentence where you acknowledge your problem, and is followed by a positive affirmation such as “I deeply and completely accept myself or, “I now choose to do….”
The general format is: “Even though I…..” which is a declaration of the problem, and the second half of the sentence is something like: “I deeply and completely accept myself,” or a positive affirmation about the outcome.
Here are some examples of the Setup phrase:
Even though I have a fear of heights, I now choose to enjoy being in high places.
Even though I have this depression, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have this stiffness in my neck, I now choose to let go of it.
Even though I feel guilty because ----- I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have these nightmares, I now choose to have sleep peacefully every night.
Or a variation could be: I love and accept myself even though I have this fear of public speaking. The Setup phrase can be modified to suit the particular person and problem, such as “I can never forgive myself for..” or: “Whenever I see him I feel…”
To add to the effectiveness of the affirmation, it also includes the simultaneous rubbing of a “Sore Spot,” on the upper chest, or a tapping on the “Karate Chop” point.
The heart of the procedure involves tapping about seven times with the tips of your index and middle fingers on each of the eight tapping points. Rather than attempt to describe these points here, I recommend you get Gary Craig’s book The EFT Manual, published by Energy Psychology Press, which includes illustrations that will guide you in locating the correct meridian locations. There are also a number of good books listed on Amazon that describe the procedure and give examples of how to use it. One that’s particularly helpful is “The Tapping Cure,” by Roberta Temes, which has illustrations and gives many explicit descriptions of how it can be used.
Here are a few examples of the effective use of EFT:
The motto of EFT is “try it on everything!” So I decided to try the method with a girlfriend whose boyfriend had suddenly dumped her and she said her heart was broken. We came up with several phrases: “Even though John left me I deeply love and accept myself.” “Even though I feel my heart is broken, I deeply love and accept myself.”
“Even though I can’t think about John without feeling sad, I now choose to let go of my grief knowing someone better will come along.” The pain was so intense, and my friend was sobbing so much that I did the tapping for her. At the end of four rounds there were no more tears and she assured me she was starting to feel OK about the rejection. I told her to do a few more rounds before she went to sleep that night, and the next morning we did a final round of “I am now letting go of the grief I felt about John rejecting me and I know there’s a better person out there for me.” Overnight she had let go of sadness and grief that could have depressed her for months, and had thought of several reasons why John wasn’t the right man for her.
A mother wrote: “My son injured himself while playing basketball and couldn’t lift his arm. I could see it was inflamed and bruised from the shoulder to his wrist. I guided him in doing a round of EFT with the phrase “Even though I hurt my arm, I now choose to have the pain disappear.” One round and the pain was gone! We were both amazed! The next day it was still gone but he did another round just to reinforce it, and couldn’t wait to teach this method to his teammates.”
A mother brought her daughter to see me because she was failing in math and had to pass the course to graduate. “Marcy had deep-seated negative programming about the ability of girl’s to be competent in math, and had trouble with it throughout her school years. While tapping, I had her repeat “Even though I believe girls don’t have the brains to do math, I feel confident of my own ability.” We did two rounds on this and then switched to “Even though I’ve had trouble with math in the past, I now choose to let go of the mental barriers that have prevented me from succeeding.” After just one more session she declared she really felt she had the ability to do the course work and had been held back by old concepts.” That’s all it took! Marcy passed the course successfully and graduated!
For rapid relief of numerous problems, EFT is a remarkable therapeutic modality available to everyone, although people who have deep-seated trauma, such as sexual abuse for example, would be wise to seek a professional practitioner for assistance. You can find a trained EFT Master at the emofree web site.
Marta Hiatt is a retired psychotherapist and author of “Memories of Times Past” and “Mind Magic, Techniques for Transforming Your Life.” northernstarpress.com
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