When You Want Something So Much...

...that every fibre of your being knows only that which you want, is there a power strong enough to stop you from getting it? What miracles occur to manifest that which you so strongly desire?

I finally watched Slumdog Millionaire (I know, what took me so long!?) and I'm still shaking. The power of unwavering love, desire and destiny is an unstoppable force indeed, no matter what you thought of the film.

Simply stated, it is your belief in what you want that will bring it to you!

Ok I must say here, if you haven't seen it yet, close your eyes for the next few lines! Better yet, go watch it and I promise you, you WILL get past the first 20 minutes and be glad you stayed.

Now one could argue that it's just a movie, pure fantasy. But the truth of the matter is, when we really want something AS much as the main actor Jamal did, our focus is like a laser beam. And we all know how powerful and targeted lasers are, don't we?

As Gregg Braden says in The Spontaneous Healing of Belief, the beliefs that precede our actions are the foundation of all that we cherish, dream, become, and accomplish.

In Jamal's case, he never for a second doubted that he would meet his childhood friend Latika again after they were separated traumatically a few times. Over the years, through extreme circumstances, his desire to be re-united with her was SO strong that he went on to create miracles of love, success and money (the latter two being by-products of his main intent - love).

What was so interesting to watch was how he was so fiercely calm and set upon his desire without being needy or desperate.. sound familiar? Indeed, this is what the Law of Attraction says so clearly - want but don't need.

Have complete faith and trust that holding your vision strongly is KEY to manifesting your intentions.

Today, think about something you believe in very strongly. Now entertain this possibility: What if that belief was wrong? How would your life change if you changed that belief? What would happen?

Author's Bio: 

Tia Singh, Coach T.I.A - Coaching You to Take Inspired Action!

Life And Success Coach, LOA Coach, NLP Practitioner and Psych K facilitator. "Bust those self limiting beliefs - they're not working for you anymore."

Website: coachtia.com

I coach and support people to take Inspired Action! to live a life of love, courage, fulfillment and FUN.

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