ABSOLUTELY! Not only do you deserve SUCCESS… you were born that way to start off with. Your SUCCESSES no matter how small or how few ARE STILL SUCCESSES.

So we know you have the potential to succeed, we know you have succeeded in something in the past but yet, you haven’t succeeded in what you want the most. And more than likely you don’t know why or more commonly you don’t want to know why because then you will have to face up to it. All of which is a common response and has nothing to do with you as a person but about the barriers or limitations that are holding you back.

I call it SELF IMAGE-Itis, which is perhaps the world’s most prevalent disease, almost everyone has it, included very successful people. Can SELF IMAGE-Itis be fixed – ABSO – freakin – LUTELY, and results are guaranteed by using a technique called Emotional Freedom Technique.

As a Self Image Specialist I help individuals, companies and organisations to help them overcome their ‘Self Image-Itis’ by helping them identify their limitations/barriers that affect their performance in an area that they would like to work on or in many areas such as their performance at work, in business, in sports, at school, in weight or health issues, in relationships and more.

Recently I help a local football player with his barrier to kick goals. In the past only 2 out of 10 kicks would find it’s mark. After working on the issue of being a terrible kicker (that’s how he saw himself) over a period of 5 weeks he improved so much that each game he had a 100% success.

I worked with a young sales representative who wanted to improve her sales as she wasn’t able to meet her targets and would be out of a job if she didn’t, she had a lot of doubt about her abilities and had a fear of cold contacting – over a period of 5 weeks she exceeded her weekly sales targets by 115% and gained 15 more clients from cold contacting.

I helped a young student who had been getting very low grades at school and identified that the student believed that he was a failure at everything which ultimately resulted in his grades – after working with him for 5 weeks he produced B’s in assignments to the astonishment of his teachers and the adulation of his parents.

SELF IMAGE-Itis can be FIXED, let me help you.

Gillian Tarawhiti

Author's Bio: 

Author Bio: Gillian Tarawhiti - SELF IMAGE SPECIALIST: Bsc, Dip BM, Dip Ed, CEO of Gain Back Your Life Centre, A Certified EFT Practitioner, Member of AAMET.

What is a self image specialist? To put it plainly I help individuals, companies and organisations to help them overcome their 'Self Image-itis' which just about everyone has. I help people identify what their limitations/barriers are that affect their performance at work, in business, in sports, at school, weight issues, in relationships and more then help them GET RID OF IT. RESULTS GUARANTEED or your MONEY BACK