Today's topic is "Inflammation" in the body!
What causes inflammation and how does it affect us? One of the causes of inflammation in the body is an overgrowth of yeast or "candida". Yeast can wreak havoc on our bodies and manifest in many forms of disease and illness; heart disease, cancer, memory loss, obesity, fibromyalgia and other chronic, auto-immune and degenerative diseases.
These illness do not manifest overnight, they are the result of chronic inflammation over the course of years.

Candida albicans is a yeast that occurs naturally in the body where it has a beneficial action in the gut when kept under control. When it becomes out of control, and the balance is disturbed, the yeast begins causing symptoms ranging from digestive upsets, lethargy, allergy reactions, skin complaints through infections of the mouth and vaginal tract. The toxins released by this overgrowth affect the whole body; muscle pain, stiffness, weakness, headaches, blurry vision, intense fatigue, acne, hives, athletes foot, joint pains, depression, inability to concentrate, intestinal upsets and post nasal drip.

This imbalance may occur because of the following:
Weakened or overworked adrenal glands
Unhealthy lifestyle
Lowered Immunity
Prolonged courses of antibiotics
Birth control pills
Antibiotic & hormonal residues in meat
Chlorine & fluorine in water
Additives & preservatives in food
Diet high in white sugar & flour
Unknown food sensitivities & allergies
Environmental Toxins

Once we realize and understand that yeast may be playing a role in our health, we can take the steps necessary to stop the growth and regain balance. Our body cannot heal if it is constantly being re-inflammed .

If you have more than five of the chronic inflammation symptoms, here are some things that you can do.

1) Detoxify
2) Avoid Carbohydrates
3) Eat more fruits & vegetables
4) Eat GOOD fats
5) Decongest the lymphatic system - BE ACTIVE
6) Support the adrenals
7) Use a Natural Anti-Inflammatory

If you need more information or have questions, please feel free to email me!

Author's Bio: 

Pamela Heyen began her natural health education after regaining her own health through natural remedies and therapies. Her credentials were obtained through Australasian College of Health Sciences in Portland, Oregon.
She uses her personal health related experience, combined with her formal training to educate, encourage and support the option to heal with natural therapies.