Did you know that ‘unforgiveness’ is one of the single biggest Christmas ‘love’ blockages that causes all kinds of mayhem and unhappiness during the holiday season. It often gains momentum causing a domino effect of the blues not only within yourself but out to others who come into contact with you! Learn how to forgive and when you do, you set yourself free. You’ll feel happier, lighter and more joyous! Relationships will magically find bridges and start to flourish. Best of all, you reinforce the presence of ‘love’ in all our lives and especially at Christmas. So come on, see what your ‘love’ blockage is and blast it out of existence!
Mild blockage: Strained relationships!
Not forgiving people closest to us, especially family members, causes a dissolving of our inner light (our love). We create ill feelings and as Zig Ziglar would say we create “stinken thinking” in our mind – a perfect tool to dissolve your attractiveness, your strength, your enthusiasm, your love. This creates distance and uncomfortable feelings not only within yourself but for others around you too. It’s now time to make changes. Christmas is a time to clean up the distance, judgments and walls created.
Forgive – it’s as simple as that – take your focus off what you have been judging. Remember the ones who challenge us the most are the ones that we can learn the most from. Look for the gift of the learning in the challenge – what quality can you improve in your life that is being presented to you that you don’t like – that’s the quality you need to work on within you! Then forgive the person and yourself for all the ill feelings and be grateful for the learning they presented to you and it’s in that moment that you set yourself and the ‘love’ free.
Moderate blockage: - judging and not accepting your brothers and sisters around the world!
Acceptance of other cultures, our fellow neighbors, other religions and other differences will certainly shake off that heavy blue mood you’ve been carrying around. Release judgments about their religious beliefs, they way they live their life or their political beliefs. Whenever you catch yourself judging immediately stop and send whomever you were judging and yourself an energy wish with the blow of a kiss for forgiveness, love, peace and happiness. You’re definitely blocked when your judging and not accepting. Forgive yourself right now! Choose to see a beautiful little spirit in all you meet, on their own journey that’s just right for them. We are all learning just at different stages. There is a beauty in differences – choose to see it, forgive yourself for your judgments then you set yourself free and your ‘love’ will flow.
Severe blockage: not forgiving yourself!
None of us are perfect. We’ve all fallen over and made mistakes. It’s just part of life and it’s part of an opportunity to evolve. Learn, forgive and choose to think, do and act better in the future starting with thoughts that support the best in you. You’re only dissolving yourself with unforgiveness, resentment and anger. Choose today to accept and implement the gift of forgiveness. It’s the tool to set you free and move you to the next level!
The medicine to blow away those blues is simply forgiveness! Let your love flow with forgiveness and you’ll find a whole new you evolving, more beautiful as you shine light out to all you meet, uplifting their spirits and truly living in the ‘spirit’ of Christmas. Go on, choose forgiveness and spread the love today!
The author Bernadette Dimitrov invites you to visit her radio podcast show "Conversations with Mrs Claus" www.TheFamilyYak.com An inspirational show with fascinating guests world-wide with prizes to be won! Also come visit www.HoHoHoChristmas.com and join her free inspirational Christmas newsletter with great recipes, insights & gift ideas & receive inspirational free gifts including her free 10 day e-course with audio "Amazing Ways to Enrich Your Christmas Experience!"
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