The universe (life) is designed a lot differently than people believe or understand and it works in a particular way. Most of us, unfortunately, have it backwards. The Truth is quite simple, it's right, and it's not all that hard to understand.
Truth #1: The goal of life is happiness
Happiness. That's what we're all seeking. That's why we are all here. That's how we're made. The goal of life is happiness. That's the truth. Truth #1. Think about it. That is what you (and everyone else) is really striving for in life. To be happy. All of us, every single one of us on the planet, wants most of all, long term personal fulfillment. There must be a reason for that.
True long term happiness doesn't come from money or a good job or a gym or a face-lift. True happiness - fulfillment - comes from within ... and when you hook yourself up correctly with the universe ... guess what you can get? True long term happiness and true personal fulfillment. The life you really want. And you're also more likely to achieve the kind of "success" the material world values so highly.
Truth #2: YOU can be happy
Anyone, everyone, every single person, can be genuinely happy and personally fulfilled. Even you. You just have to know how.
Truth #3: Each of us has a Life Purpose
A unique and special "job" we are destined to perform in our lifetime. If we find that purpose, and implement it well, we are genuinely happy and personally fulfilled.
Truth #4: Why people are not happy
People are not happy because they do not know who they are or where they belong or what to do with their lives - according to the "Big Picture". According to their Life Purpose.
Nearly all the societal problems we humans have derive from the inability to achieve the harmonious state known as happiness.
Individually, each of us has our own particular life path to follow. That is our Life Purpose. If we operate on or near our Life Purpose, we are happy and fulfilled. Off our path we are not happy and fullfilled. The further we get from our destined life path, the more unhappy we become. The more unhappy we become the more problems we attract or create for ourselves and the more problems we cause for others. Out of harmony, out of balance with this natural spiritual law of the universe, one suffers from dis-ease.
The single biggest serious problem/ailment in the world today would have to be unhappiness.
In my opinion, unhappiness may be one of the root causes of minor and major physical, emotional and spiritual illness.
Finding your life purpose, and implementing it, just might be the single best solution to many of life's difficulties.
Truth #5: You are supposed to be exactly who you are
The universe is contructed so that you are supposed to be exactly who you are and are then supposed to do the special thing you are destined to do ... and do it in the real world. The difficult part for everyone is that instinctively they know this but they cannot clearly put their finger on the special something they are supposed to do. That's also how we humans are made. Therein lies the real problem. As a result, over hundreds, even thousands of years, as we humans have evolved into an advanced, complex and technology dependent society we have "forgotten" the natural way the universe works.
No wonder so many people are confused and frustrated and unhappy!
Truth #6: Be true to yourself
The Truth is that the universe - the spiritual world - wants you to FIRST be the real you, and find your special purpose, and then put that purpose into play in the real world. That is how and where you finally and completely and perfectly fit. That is what people have been trying to find or figure out and why they have always felt that "something" has always been missing from their life but could never quite put their finger on it. The missing link. The missing link is your life purpose!
Who are you?
You are a unique combination of passions, talent and abilities. The good stuff. Each of us has some special thing we love to do above all else, have a true talent for it, and (surprise!) do it quite well. Yes, even you! Everyone! That's "who" you really are.
Why are you here?
We are each of us here to perform a special and unique purpose, according to who you are.
What's your life purpose?
Your life purpose is something unique and special to you. And something you no doubt always wanted to do (and maybe didn't even know it!). Something perfect for you. And you are supposed to do this special thing for others. In service to others. That's how you fulfill your purpose, your destiny, your mission.
Truth #7: You're already ready
You are already equipped to start undertaking your life purpose. Once you find and understand your life purpose you then just have to decide how you best want to implement it in your life.
Your life purpose involves the true "you" doing what you are truly "supposed" to do.
Truth #8: The universe can wait forever
The universe sits and waits. The universe can wait literally forever. It can literally wait forever for you to find your life purpose and take your rightful place in the universe. Each of us has a unique and special life purpose. It's there, waiting to be discovered, uncovered, found ... by each of us. Your life purpose is waiting to be discovered ... by you. And the universe will wait for you to find it. The universe can and does wait forever. Can you?
The author is the creator of the Life Purpose Program, which can reveal your unique and special purpose in life .. in just minutes.
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