Technical glitches are common with any device and MacBook isn’t an exception. Starting from iPhone to MacBook; the devices will never fail to notify you that you need to take them to a service center. So, before opting for MacBook battery replacement in Double Bay, you'll be sent some notifications. Pay attention to the notification and you'll know how to save your device from an early death. Early detection and action often saves your device from damage. Remember, the battery is a very integral part of any Apple product. If you keep running the device with a low-performing battery, the strain directly falls on the device and affects its longevity. Let's go through some of the most common signs of MacBook battery damage. 

Battery Service Warning

Identifying this one is easy. When your MacBook tells you that it needs a new battery, you should listen to it. Click on the battery level in your top menu bar to bring down a drop-down. At the top of the menu, you'll find the TL;DR version of your battery's current condition. If it says, "Replace soon," "Replace now!" or "Service battery," it's time to look into a replacement. Your MacBook did its part, now it's your responsibility to listen to it and do your part. 

macbook repair

Mac Laptop Battery Indicator

With a little digging, you can find some more details about your battery's health. Check out Apple's instructions here. The Power section of your Mac's System Information menu lists how many charge cycles your battery has been through. Compare that to the maximum cycle count for your model, listed on Apple's instruction page. If the number of charge cycles used is close to the maximum number of charge cycles for your model, you should consider a battery replacement without delay.

Low Battery Run-Time

Does your MacBook demand continuous charging? It's time to replace the battery. It's completely your call how long you want to use your battery. Taking the service of Macbook battery replacement in Bondi Beach from skilled technicians will help you get rid of the slow run time of the battery. For those who prefer uninterrupted MacBook performance, a good rule of thumb is to replace the battery when its run-time is down to 25% compared to the usual expected new run-time. 

Unexpected Shutdowns

All the battery-powered devices can unexpectedly shut down. MacBook isn’t an exception. If your MacBook turns off when you don't want it to, it could be because the battery is faulty. If this happens often after putting your device on charge, it's high time to replace the battery. A MacBook can also turn itself off if it overheats or encounters certain errors. Consider testing your laptop while it's plugged to determine whether the shutdowns are purely battery issues. 


If the heating issue with your battery is getting out of control, consider replacing the battery. Any number of hardware or software or hardware issues can cause your MacBook to overheat. However, if your MacBook overheats quickly while performing small everyday tasks, the culprit may be a faulty battery. 

These are some common signs that you need to opt for Macbook battery replacement in Double Bay. If you're experiencing all the issues, don't delay a minute to avoid permanent damage to your treasured possession.

Author's Bio: 

The author specialises in Macbook battery replacement in Double Bay and writes engaging blogs on the benefits of hiring professionals for reliable and guaranteed MacBook repairs.