4 Ways to Connect With Your Customers
By Susan Fox
Freelance Copywriter
© 2012 Susan Fox
PO Box 421
Avon, Ohio 44011
(740) 531-0400 24-hour message line
These simple marketing ideas can connect you with customers and qualified prospects in a unique way:
1: Create An Event at Your Store That Interests Your Customers
Warren Buffet, famed billionaire shares one of his wealth secrets. “People are more willing to be entertained than educated.” Capitalize on Warren’s experience and apply it to your company. Sponsor or host public demonstrations you know help your customers. Regularly share engaging online and in store how-to demonstrations and tips that improve their lives.
For example, if you sell cooking products, bring in a safe food handling expert. If you sell toys, bring in a person who can answer questions about family friendly video games. If you sell a service, demonstrate a specific area of your service that your customers want to see.
Bonus: Participate in a joint venture with businesses that compliment yours and include your favorite charity. Give some of the proceeds to the charity. This brings in customer traffic, increases your mailing list and helps the community. It’s a win-win-win proposition!
2: Spotlight Company Achievements, Improvements or Special Events
Company achievements, improvements or milestones deserve to be acknowledged and celebrated. As you improve your store, you help your customers get the best available products and services. So, share the progress of your company by building excitement around your company’s success occasions.
Including your customers in company happenings creates a great relationship with them. Give your customers what they want. They want to know you include them in important landmarks that can help them.
3: Set Yourself Apart from Your Competition by Providing A Unique Online Resource for Them
Businesses that succeed do so by sharing the ‘what’ solution of a topic that interests your prospects and customers. Give this knowledge away for free. It’s the “how” that trips customers up because their specific application of your knowledge requires customization.
To show your customers you care, provide brief one-minute YouTube video tips, demonstrations, ebooks and reports in a reference center that interests your target audience. Like a library, become a source of helpful information which increases traffic to your business and website.
Be creative and stay connected to and with your target. They will remember you and thank you by buying from you instead of a competitor.
4: Sponsor or Host Community Causes, Challenges, Competitions, Contests, Cruises, Galas, Game Nights, Giveaways, Matches, Races, Retreats, Sweepstakes and
According to the Marketing Sherpa Blog, online sweepstakes and contests can help drive brand awareness and your social media following. So, have a fun contest that aligns with your business goals. Here’s a simple way to do it:
Ask contest participants to create a brief one minute video about a specific topic pertinent to your business goals. Ask them to upload it to YouTube. Have different submission categories if possible.
Assemble a panel of judges to determine a final winner for each submission category. Remember to include a deadline on the contest and strictly observe that deadline date. Have fun with it! You and your prospects and customers will enjoy it.
Stay in contact with contestants via your own YouTube video responses. Build the contest up with excitement to get more people to enter. Give great prizes.
Make sure your state will allow contests. Check local laws to confirm the legality of them for your state.
Need help promoting your business with special events? Or writing engaging copy? Creating information products to create and bring in additional revenue streams? Writing ebooks or PDF reports that interest your customers? Contact Susan Fox, Freelance Copywriter 24/7 at (740) 531-0400 or by email at thesusanfox@gmail.com.
Susan Fox is a freelance copywriter who writes engaging copy content, promotes small businesses and entrepreneurs and creates information products to bring in additional revenue for her clients.
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