If you really want to change your life this year, here's the secret in a nutshell ~ decide to do things God's Way!

What do I mean by that and how do you do it? If you think about it, Jesus said He always did what was pleasing to His Father. We must want to do the same. It's not difficult at all when you decide to honor God above anything and everything and everyone in your life.

It's a choice. It's a decision. It's not "I will try," or "I might" or "maybe I can." No ~ it's you will or won't. There is no honor or commitment in "TRYING."

The only way you fail at anything is to give up or quit. Everyone experiences setbacks, and that is what it would be if you don't succeed the first time around. A mere setback is not an indication of failure, but of learning. Trial and error is how we all learn. When we learned to walk, we stumbled and fell. We never gave up learning to walk even though we stumbled and fell, and eventually, we walked just fine!

Get the picture? Don't ever give up or quit doing things God's Way. I have included three ways here to ensure blessing and success this year:

1. Decide to "humble yourself under the mighty hand of God." That is what Jesus did, and that's what we must do. That means you put your spirit of pride (and doing things YOUR) way aside, and do what you know is right in God's sight, no matter what. Do not compromise. This means in every area (relationships, finances, health and work).

1 Peter 5:6 says:
"Therefore humble yourselves [demote, lower yourselves in your own estimation] under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you.."

2. Be ready for attack by the enemy. When you do things the world's way, people will accept you, but will they TRULY respect you? Some might, but when you do things God's way, you will be under attack. If you stand strong under that attack, you will overcome, be successful, and THEN you will be a mighty witness for God. People will look at your life, and say WOW! You will bring glory to God!

1 Peter 4:12 says:
"My friends, do not be surprised at the terrible trouble which now comes to test you. Do not think that something strange is happening to you."

3. Do your best to live a holy life. Being "holy" means to be of one mind with God. That means you love what He loves and hate what He hates. When you learn what God's Word says, you will know what He loves and what He hates. Again, don't compromise because you want approval from people. You want approval from God. Then your life will be overtaken with His blessings!

2 Peter 3:11 says:
"So what kind of people should you be? You should live holy lives and serve God.."

© 2010 Lisa Buldo, HHC/Lisa Buldo International, LLC.

For more free tips like these, get your free report: "3 Big Health Mistakes ... And How to Avoid Them!" at http://www.LisaBuldo.com. Lisa Buldo is your "Victory Health Coach," and specializes in Weight Loss, Diabetes, Acne, Digestive issues, as well as the emotional issues of fear, anger and depression.

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Buldo is a Holistic Health Counselor, Certified Biblical Health Coach, Minister, Author and Speaker. Lisa is accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, and she is the Founder and CEO of Lisa Buldo International, LLC, located in Teaneck, New Jersey.

As a Certified Holistic Health Counselor and Certified Biblical Health Coach, Lisa Buldo speaks at conferences, and to churches, groups and organizations all over the United States, helping them to transform their health and their lives through healthy nutrition and the biblical principles of God’s Word. Lisa also has private coaching clients nationally and internationally. Lisa specializes in Healthy Weight Loss, Type II Diabetes, Acne and Digestive issues, as well as emotional issues such as fear, anger and depression.

Lisa has recently been featured as a Special Guest on the Paula White Today Show, a television ministry with upwards of a potential 2.7 billion viewers around the world!