Magazine publishing is still one of the fastest growing industries in the country. More people get into this business, as it becomes a more popular way to get news and information. Magazines are available to fill just about every niche, and you can start your own, too.

Of course, there are the major magazines such as those that cater to beauty and fashion, but there are also those that cater to more specific audiences and hobbies, such as auto mechanics, carpentry, hunting, and the list goes on.

To help them survive, magazines have begun to do niche marketing, whereby they target specific readers to buy products within a certain venue. This is quite easy to do since the people reading the magazine are also consumers within that niche. It's true that advertising and sales, as well as marketing, aren't going to be as pervasive as they might be in another industry since the magazine is already preaching to the choir. That means the readers are already interested in the products advertised in the magazines as part of that niche.

However, it's still quite a feat to start a magazine, no matter how badly you think a niche needs to be filled. It can be a headache to organize and put it out every week, month, or how often you do it. However, if you know the market and you know how to meet that market's needs, it can be quite easy to start a magazine. Here are some ways to begin a magazine without having to put up with a lot of headaches in the process.

1.) Find your market

There are a lot of magazines out there, and many of them may look as though they already address your audience. So you're going to have to take a close look and find a market that's not already addressed. Research your readers not just for their demographic makeup, but to determine what they want to see in magazine articles, too. Are there particular products you know are lacking in your particular market and that you know you could provide? If possible, do some market research and find people that you can feature in your magazine that other people will be interested in reading about.

2.) Find a columnist with name recognition

Now, it may not be true that a famous columnist is going to want to write for a little start-up magazine (after all, it's not likely that you're going to be able to pay big bucks to that columnist, at least at first). However, it just may be that this columnist is willing to give you, a newbie magazine publisher, a break. If you can find somebody who's an expert in his or her field and can give your magazine a good kick in the butt its first issue out, try giving them a call and seeing if they'll do a column for you. You may just have some success.

3.) Content is king

Bottom line, if you don't have good content, you don't have anything. You can have all the name recognition you want with the particular columnist you choose, you can have good products to sell in your ads, but if you don't have good content in the rest of your magazine, you're going to fail.

Your features and articles should be useful and informative. For this, you also need good writers who know what they're talking about. Therefore, they have to be experts in your field as much as you are. If you do this, and you pay them well (or least have the intention of paying them well and can get them to stay on board while you get things going), you'll be successful. However, if you don't have good content, you're going to fail no matter what you do. Therefore, content is the central thing, above all else. Succeed with that, and your magazine will succeed, too.

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