3 ways to make your day more exciting

Each morning you wake up and you start your morning ritual. You do your usual tasks and get things ready then you leave the house at approximately the same time and take the same route, probably park in the same spot and so on and so forth. It is comfortable, predictable and mundane.

Here are 3 ways to make your day more exciting.

1) Give yourself extra time in the morning. Start your day earlier so that you can take time to have a big breakfast. Prepare a big breakfast like you would have at a hotel and take time to enjoy it. Make this a treat that you will give yourself once a week for the next four weeks.

Change the day you do it each week so that it will not become a routine. Plan ahead so you already know what you will make in the morning this will allow you to look forward to it.

I did this and although it was a bit of a challenge at first to get up earlier, once I did the whole morning became amazing.It was well worth the effort. Planning it and looking forward to it will help give you the incentive to get out of bed and do it.

2) Leave early one day a week so you can take a different route in the morning. Maybe you can stop at a coffee shop that you have never been to before. This will make your day new and unpredictable.

You will experience something different even if you are going to the same workplace every day. Try this once a week for the next four weeks.

This one is a lot of fun and very easy to do. Going into a new coffee shop in a new area can be very exciting and adventurous. It is like being in a new city even though you never left town!

3) Do something during the week that you normally only do on the weekend. Try this once or twice over the next four weeks. This will take a bit of planning and staying up to watch a movie at home doesn’t count.

Go down town for a coffee and a walk. Go to the nearby city to shop. Go out to see a live band, go to the lake or the beach for a late night walk.

Plan this with someone and pick a night that you will do this. Mark it on the calendar and look forward to it. Get excited to do it like you get excited for the weekend. Take time to enjoy it and don’t think about the time while you are experiencing it or the next day.

This is a great way to bring excitement into your daily routine. You will have great stories to tell at work and you will feel more alive when you can do a weekend activity during the week.

Try these 3 ways out. Make them part of your plan for the next four weeks. Experiment with it and involve those around you.It worked for me and I still use these techniques often.

I am sure it will make your day more exciting and less predictable.

Author's Bio: 

W.T. Hamilton is the co-author of Your Invincible Power series of books and the President of Your Invincible Power Company- - We have created a series of books to help understand and use the Law of Attraction in everyday situation.

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