A urinary tract infection is an infection of the kidneys, bladder or urethra. In most cases, it is brought on by the introduction of the E. Coli bacteria into the urethra. This can cause inflammation or infection. For example, when this bacteria travels up the urethra to the bladder, it is ... Views: 1722
Australians are loosing their laidback, carefree reputation, as we continue
to work longer hours, exercise less and neglect our leisure and family time.
Recent research indicates that 67 per cent of Australian professionals spend
at least 20 hours a week thinking about their job when they ... Views: 913
Just 2 nights ago my partner and I were watching a cricket game from Zimbabwe on cable. The team that was currently batting was leading by a huge margin in the 1st innings but during the 2nd innings were dropping out like flies. They were struggling to maintain their score and beat their ... Views: 1468
What if I placed ONE BILLION dollars in your bank account today! That means, at just ten percent interest, you would have to spend $270,000 dollars each day just to spend the interest - for the rest of your life, not even touching the one billion dollars! With this in mind, please answer the ... Views: 1687
So why are treadmills the #1 home exercise machine choice among buyers? Well, here are five reasons treadmills come out on ahead of other exercise machines year after year. Here are the top 5 ways home treadmill workouts can help you lose weight and get in great shape!
Reason #1: A Treadmill ... Views: 45483
It is just amazing the amount of people who don't have the
courage to go after their dreams.They sit around living a life
they are not happy with and still they do nothing about it.
And the funny thing is that if you should ask them the reason
for this, they start finding excuses left, right ... Views: 1413
It's a sad day when someone you love can't drive because they can't think clearly.
It happens everyday. They say nothing can be done about it. Or, can it?
At the age of 68 my mother wanted so much to drive, but my father wouldn't let her. I loved her dearly and felt I could let her drive ... Views: 1881
What Should You Do if You're Stood Up for a Date?
Has this ever happened to you? You just meet this hot & sexy beautiful single woman and you agree to meet for dinner at a local restaurant.
You're all pumped up to see this girl again and you're hoping this meeting will lead to some romance ... Views: 5799
Getting the tools to help you wake up to a happier, more fulfilling life is so important these days, especially since we live such fast-paced, over stressed lives. I would like to describe tools that are easy to use and produce immediate results that help you resolve everyday problems with ... Views: 1611
Napoleon Hill, best known for his book "Think & Grow Rich" itemized the twelve components to true wealth as follows:
1. A Positive Mental Attitude
2. Sound Physical Health
3. Harmony in Human Relationships
4. Freedom from Fear
5. The Hope of Future Achievement
6. The Capacity for Applied ... Views: 2397
As an ADD Coach, I usually begin my conversations with new and potential clients by saying, “Tell me about yourself and why you’re looking for coaching.” Most people answer with a long list of their ADD challenges. Very few people answer that they are looking to discover, enhance, or utilize ... Views: 994
Ready for 2004..........or Not?Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
New Year's Resolution time is right around the corner. Mostof us repeat resolutions & often decide they are simply un-attainable. Why this inability to change such important be-haviors that threaten our health? The keys below ... Views: 2131
In our striving to succeed, we set goals. Common goals like earn more money, build a bigger business, lose some weight, remodel or build that home, buy that boat or car, get more time off. I call these goals “common” because we boil our definition of success down to the same goals everyone else ... Views: 1320
Magnetic field therapy is ideally suited for the treatment of many physical conditions and health maintenance. This modality is of great value because the person may continue treatment on her/his own over a long period of time if necessary. This decreases dependence on the practitioner, which ... Views: 1689
Can you recall a time where you utilized silence to make a point? If you can consciously recall, you probably know your silence made more than just a point; it made an exclamation point ... and without a single word preceding it. Now that's powerful.
Silence is a widely-known, but rarely ... Views: 2148
Copyright 2003, Cosmiccoachingcentre.com
I recently spent some time revising my personal vision/mission statement for my coaching practice. While doing this, it occurred to me that the vision I have for my work is closely related to my personal vision. Having a job that reflects my personal ... Views: 32657
Which coach fits you?
Karen hired a "mentor" coach to help her business grow. The coach applauded Karen's efforts to design her website. On a slow week, the coach said, "Clear clutter and learn to dance."
After three months, Karen had a big coaching bill, a multicolored website, an empty ... Views: 1213
Too many people live in a state of constant guilt. They feel guilty if they spend a cent on themselves. They feel guilty if they are not constantly at the beck and call of someone else. They feel guilty if anything goes wrong in the life of any of their loved ones, because, somehow, they should ... Views: 1100
Whether you are attracting new clients for your business, have moved into a new community and want to make friends, have started a new job, or are open to romance, here are some ways to attract new people:
1. Smile.
I recently heard of a man who met his fiance when she gave him a friendly ... Views: 1393
This holiday season don’t be trendy – avoid the Seasonal Seven (the average weight most Americans gain between Thanksgiving and New Year’s). That’s one trend you don’t want to participate in!
Since the holidays are traditionally a time for fun and indulgence, you probably prefer not to think ... Views: 1209
These days, countless professionals are yearning for a more fulfilling career that can give them both personal and professional satisfaction. They want the freedom to design the career of their dreams and the self-reliance to trust that they made the correct decision.
For many people, their ... Views: 1094
The emotion of anger has many purposes, some of which can serve us well. Anger can be used by others to confuse or control you. In conflict resolution anger is a useful emotion when used to support yourself against attack by others. Anger takes away your energy, because it charges you ... Views: 4276
When we think of prayer, we usually think of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam; and when we think of meditation, it is usually associated with Buddhism and Eastern religions. But underlying both of these is a process that is available to all human beings, and that is not tied to specific ... Views: 1030
Being alone is a challenge for many people. This challenge may loom especially large during the holidays if you are single or newly divorced and without family around you. Holidays are a time to share love, and many people end up feeling depressed when they do not have people around with whom to ... Views: 1131
Many people experience stress during the holiday season. Some get the blues, others find that the holidays don't turn out quite they way they had hoped. To make sure your holiday season creates more joy and less stress, have these five conversations with your spouse soon:
Conversation One: ... Views: 1135
A magazine article I read a few days ago provided advice to the married and those about to be wed. I recognized the author as a well-known psychologist and specialist in the field. The article that went on for five pages touched on numerous topics including the importance of compatibility, ... Views: 1301
Three years ago, when John and Julie Smith fell in love and decided to marry they wanted to know what they could do to ease the transition of their marriage on their children. Each had 2 biological children of their own, ranging in age from 8 to 16 and John and Julie knew that getting the ... Views: 1627
Beyond food and shelter, our next greatest need is to matter.
-David J. Walker
What can I do? Where do I start? How do you matter?
What would our contribution be, in some way, to making a difference? How would we go about helping the life of another person? How can we best help ourselves? ... Views: 894
At present there are over 3.3 billion pages indexed by Google, and that definitely does not cover the entire Internet. With so many competitors around, you sure have to use every conceivable method available to promote your website.
Newsgroups can be very powerful tools in your web promotion ... Views: 1807
A Quick Word Helps to Remember
Do you have a list you have to remember quickly? Take the first letters and form an acronym. For example - you have to remember to send Fred, Lisa, Ethel and Andrew cards. Yes, their first initials form the word FLEA. Imagine itching (your head?) because you have ... Views: 1186
If you’ve ever been on a diet you know the feeling of irritability that sets in after a few days. Nutrition experts have attributed this feeling to a physical state of deprivation, such as low blood sugar or dehydration.
While these conditions do have a definite effect on mood, they don’t ... Views: 1977
When clients change their lives or careers, they oftenstruggle with the notion of abundance. It's hard to feelabundant when you watch your savings dwindle or you realizethat a former routine purchase has now become a luxury.
And you may hear the guidance, "Maybe you don't need so muchmoney." ... Views: 1213
To our past ancestors, the animal held great spiritual power and symbolic meaning. In Native American culture, mythology and ancient civilizations, each animal is embodied with its own symbolic meaning and held its own unique spiritual power.
A particular animal crossing your path had deep ... Views: 979
To effectively manage time, we need to first realise that time itself cannot be managed! We all get seven days a week and 168 hours within those seven days. This cannot be increased or changed in any way. However, what we can change, improve and manage is ourselves. In essence then, true time ... Views: 1044
I've been looking forward to writing this article because Sir Isaac Newton personifies some of the outstanding introvert characteristics that you can learn to prize in yourself, your introverted child or your introverted lover.
If you're an employer, you can also learn to identify two of these ... Views: 6901
Something very special happens at our conception. At that time, we are endowed with a blueprint of the way we are meant to be. This "blueprint" depends on many factors, chief among them are the characteristics and traits of our parents, and also their state of balance at our conception.
This ... Views: 1131
“Having decided to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs of tedium and distaste. The gain in self-confidence of having accomplished a tiresome labor is immense.” ~ Thomas Bennett
You can’t talk yourself into self-esteem, and neither can your coach, your best friend, your boss or ... Views: 1160
A British weapon’s inspector was found dead in the woods after he slashed his wrist. For the past few weeks, he was entangled with a controversy about the war in Iraq.
On Monday, a Hyundai executive leaped to his death from the 12th floor. He was on trial for allegedly paying off North Korea ... Views: 3777
I usually put my children to sleep. Routinely, each one takes turn saying prayers before dozing off.
“Dear heavenly Father, thank you for my family and relatives and for all the blessings. Thank you for giving me only good dreams and good thoughts.”
As this prayer echoes around the room, it ... Views: 1117
When driving, we need to check our rear-view mirror every few minutes to perceive dangers lurking behind — tailgaters, hecklers, over speeding cars, and drivers under the influence. Aside from anticipating threats, it helps us contemplate our next move, giving us enough time to be cautious ... Views: 1229
Here you are, facing the holiday season alone. Have you been thinking about?
how alone and lonely you feel
excuses you can give family members as to why you can’t come this year
what friends may be available to spend those long days with
how another year has passed and you are (still) ... Views: 3113
The days of dining by plucking fruit from trees and roasting small animals over the fire, eating with fingers, and perhaps fighting with others over the scraps are long gone. Or are they?
More and more we swing our car through the drive-in, grab our food from the window, and proceed to eat ... Views: 1194
Our friend, who we'll call "Kay," started work as the only Social Worker in a medical treatment clinic about six months ago. This clinic employs about 40 people, and runs two shifts, 6 days a week. About 120 patients are served weekly, with each visiting 3 times per week.
A ... Views: 1568
Each day, in the news, we read about the merging of companies, banks and multinational corporations into ever bigger entities. As they grew bigger, they gain more leverage, more control, and greater monopoly of the markets, thus assuring the slow but steady demise of small ... Views: 1572
(Adopted from Guide to Intuitive Healing by Judith Orloff,M.D.)
Growing up, my girlfriends couldn't wait to hit the shopping malls and go to parties, the bigger the better--but I didn't share their excitement. I always felt overwhelmed, exhausted around large groups of people, though I was ... Views: 788
This paper is a continuation of another paper of mine - 'Beautiful, Smart Bodies'. In that paper I referred to the wisdom of bodies and suggested the idea that the accumulation of over-weight by the body might be something of function, something positive that our bodies do.
Let us suppose, for ... Views: 1446
“In the time you spent complaining about this, Susan, you
could’ve had it done.”
Did anyone else’s mother used to say that?
She also might’ve added that if I’d just gone ahead and done
it, I would:
1. Feel good about myself, with a sense of accomplishment
2. Free the energy of feeling like ... Views: 1130
"I am very angry. God knows that I try, but I can't help it - I have every reason to be mad." If this sentiment sounds familiar, it is because all of us have experienced similar inner struggles with respect to anger.
Wouldn't you be angry, if what you have built with sweat and blood is snatched ... Views: 3702
Medical Transcription: A Viable Work At Home Career
(c) Copyright 2003, Sharon Davis
Are there really viable work at home jobs out there? This is a
question that I'm asked almost daily. The ... Views: 1872