on becoming an objective observer - working with your mind's eye
Did you know that you have a third eye? And that through it, you can see with your eyes closed? It's true.
Metaphysically speaking, the Third Eye is associated with the pineal gland at the geometric center of the brain... ... Views: 1419
In the last months, I have had the unfortunate task of informing a number of clients, and even a good friend, that they were caught up in another relationship scam. Sad to say, we so want to be loved - and to love - that we can be trapped by our desire, our willingness to trust, afraid to listen ... Views: 1664
I remember the day I got my broken knees—how could I forget it? You start out with an ordinary day and in an instant, everything changes. One of my first reactions was why’d you let this happen, God? Why did you have to give me the broken knees? Why couldn’t it have been someone else?
I ... Views: 705
You know that you have got a problem with booze when:
1 before every party or social occasion your partner asks you “not to drink too much tonight”.
2 you feel that everyone in your company drinks too slowly or doesn’t know how to let their hair down and have a good time ... Views: 2142
The world news is grim; the possibility of World War III and its frightening implications hang like a shroud heavy around us. Hundreds of thousands of people are dying in Iraq, while major concerns about possible nuclear weapons proliferation in Iran and North Korea and their apparent political ... Views: 1806
Like anything in life, if something is important to you, it is worth putting in the necessary effort and planning for your success. Usually, if you give any goal some thought, you will discover a number of smaller steps which can make the task easier. This is particularly true when you wish to ... Views: 3773
So you need a miracle. But what exactly is a miracle and how do you attract them into your life? Each of you has a different idea of what a miracle is. For some, it is an unexplainable act that no human could possibly accomplish alone. Or maybe you simply define a miracle as,” something that can ... Views: 1683
For the last few days, I have been thinking about this day. Tomorrow is the fifth year that I have traveled down the sober road. Five years. The words keep playing over and over in my head. "Five years ago, I......." Part of me wants to shout it out and the other part wants to run far ... Views: 1126
It is always a pleasure to go out to a nice restaurant with friends and enjoy a good meal.
We arrive at the restaurant where the Maitre d' greets us with a friendly welcome and shows us to a table. We have the best view in the house overlooking a wonderful garden filled with exotic plants
and ... Views: 755
How to Select a Skilled Facilitator
So, you are attending more and more networking meetings and they seem to be loosely run or generally disjointed.
Or, you find in your own business, team meetings seem to get out of hand. Does everyone talk at once? Is everyone out of sync with each other? ... Views: 1367
Buying hearing aids online can be a great way to get a quality product at a reasonable price while also saving you a significant amount of time. While it may at first seem unusual to buy your hearing aid online, you will quickly find that it isn't that much different from going into a physical ... Views: 1025
July 2007 will change the lives of British smokers almost instantaneously. That is the day that the overwhelming smoking ban takes effect and smokers are cast out into the streets to inhale their barely-legal tobacco. In preparation for the culture shock expected, the government will begin to ... Views: 985
You’ve tried it all before. The patch, the gum, cold turkey, and something always brings you right back to square one. Maybe it’s your morning cup of coffee, a night at the pub, or a stressful day at work, but you light up again because your ‘willpower’ wasn’t ... Views: 1124
Stress on the job is a part of the rat race. Trying to problem-solve, working in large groups in open spaces, and sound levels: the list of demands on us is endless. Stress can affect all aspects of life; it can lead to heart disease, anxiety attacks, high blood pressure, and burnout.
All of ... Views: 1070
If you are in business for yourself, or even if you are striving to accomplish any kind of a significant goal, then you must have a clear and concise vision. What is your vision and how do you decide what it is? There are some helpful hints and ideas.
Voice- in order to determine your vision, ... Views: 1239
During a recent presentation we were discussing the importance of being able to deliver a clear, concise message when you first meet with a prospect and we agreed that a quick, thirty second introduction would be an effective approach. A participant challenged me, saying that an introduction of ... Views: 1083
Pureness of heart is the ability to see that all that exists is Spirit, Brahman, Consciousness, Krishna, God, Allah and nothing but this Beginning given different names by the wise of all ages. The pure heart sees that all of existence, all of life in its different forms, is This and nothing ... Views: 866
Love is blind they constantly try and tell us. I disagree. I think Love, in all its ways, sees the essence of our inner truth. It sees past the distorted perceptions of our ego. Truly it is the ego that miserably fails see the exquisite beauty of all that we hold within us. And it is this that ... Views: 1650
It’s amazing all the ways in which we try and divert our attention from our individual responsibilities. The bottom line is that we’re each responsible for what we do with our time here in this birth-death cycle we’re born into. We’re responsible for what we do to our ... Views: 2779
Spring Cleaning the Way Nature Intended
Non-Toxic Cleaners Are Better For Your Family
Due in part to the harsh chemicals used to create many of today's common household cleaning products, the EPA has determined that indoor air quality can be significantly more polluted than outdoor air quality. ... Views: 1099
Each day is a new day to make a commitment to your goals. Whatever change you’re looking to make, whatever behavior you’re looking to modify, is a choice you make daily. You cannot make future commitments any more than you can alter past moments. The past is now just a memory and the ... Views: 824
First thing in the morning a couple of days ago, I took my laptop (still very new and shiny) in Starbucks to do a little writing. I sat down with my big mug o’ steaming Jo and just as I was taking my first sip a member of staff came up to me, leaned in and said, ‘I just wanted to say sorry. What ... Views: 1115
Personality traits are enduring, usually rigid patterns of behavior, thinking (cognition), and emoting expressed in a variety of circumstances and situations and throughout one's life (typically from early adolescence onward). Some personality traits are harmful to both oneself and to others. ... Views: 1101
If you are like most people, you find yourself in a mad dash from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed. People these days are busier than ever before and this adds a lot of stress. But there are ways to reduce the stress of being busy by managing your day and life a little better. ... Views: 5033
Have you ever woke up with a dreadful and eerie feeling that all your hard work, all your goals, dreams and aspirations that you have focused on will not come to fruition? And that anything you are doing in that direction will be and is an utter failure, including yourself?
WOW! What a way to ... Views: 1275
We all have a purpose and a destiny upon our lives whether we know it or not. Truly our purpose is to fulfill the will of God upon our lives, but in order to do that we have to know what the will of God is and then begin to walk in it. Generally we all have a purpose to fulfill here on the ... Views: 3596
If you've ever come across a book by Napoleon Hill called 'Think and Grow Rich' you will undoubtedly be aware of the fact that you can deliberately create wealth in your life by manipulating the thoughts in your mind. In fact this remarkable book claims to have launched a million millionaires ... Views: 695
In Chinese green tea, knowledgeable buyers can find the finest in the world. Here is why:
Vast Geography
China is the third largest country in the world, with land area comparable to that of the United States of America. Green tea is grown in the Southern China, where the subtropical climate ... Views: 1296
In their opus magnum "Personality Disorders in Modern Life", Theodore Millon and Roger Davis define personality as:
"(A) complex pattern of deeply embedded psychological characteristics that are expressed automatically in almost every area of psychological functioning." (p. 2)
The Diagnostic ... Views: 930
Here we are moving through the seasons again. For most folks it is no big deal, they may feel a little lethargic as clocks change forward and back but other than that it has not much of an impact.
In addiction the change of seasons can be an especially vulnerable time. Change of seasons is ... Views: 2507
The Politics Of Dating
"Those marriages generally abound most with love and constancy that are preceded by a long courtship." Joseph Addison
Whether you are single, widowed, divorced or about to be, pursuing love can be more fruitful when you are open to the many exciting opportunities it ... Views: 2375
Over sixty million Americans suffer from the symptoms of stomach acid reflux and heartburn. In addition to a burning sensation and pain in the stomach and behind the breastbone, it is often accompanied by bloating, gas, nausea, and sometimes shortness of breath. It occurs when the hydrochloric ... Views: 10975
Imagine what you could accomplish if you were given 100 years to complete any project of your choosing. How would you approach your project management and your time management? What would your timeline look like?
How many years would you devote to study, observe, listen and learn? You would ... Views: 959
For thousands of years, civilizations in every corner of the world have been using herbs to heal, to energize, to prolong life, and improve their overall good health and well being.
Today as we analyze herbs active components and examine them with the objective experiments that define modern ... Views: 744
Many people are actively discussing the law of attraction. This article is designed to give you a short synopsis and background for the law of attraction.
The law of attraction is a controversial theory commonly associated with New Age and New Thought theories. It posits ... Views: 8287
To build, or not to build. That is the question. With a number of Websites that outcomes the number of people leaving on our planet, and only 1/6 of them connected to the internet, you can be sure that you will need more than just publish your Website to make in be seen by the audience.
You can ... Views: 580
Life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it.
It's not officially Spring but it sure does feel like it.
Here in Houston, we have been enjoying some absolutely awesome weather conditions. All the trees are beginning to bud, the lawns are greening up, spring is definitely in the air. ... Views: 942
The importance of dealing with your beliefs.
Now, if you are like most people who understand the powerful Law of Attraction that was all talked about recently on Television with respect to the movie - The Secret, know that it is entirely up to us to create the future in the way we want.
In ... Views: 1087
In 2005, the Center for Disease Controls (CDC) reported that there are 148 chemicals found in the blood and / or urine of Americans. The Environmental Working Group reported finding 167 industrial compounds in volunteers, averaging 91 per person.
Of these 167 compounds:
• 76 are known to ... Views: 1154
Tired of Seminar Attendees Registering For Your Event … and Then Not Showing Up? Here’s Why They Skip Your Seminar … and 4 Ways to Get Them to Your Event
By Jenny Hamby, the Seminar Marketing Pro™
Certified Guerrilla Marketer and Direct-Response Copywriter
You’ve gathered your registrations, ... Views: 1040
It’s ironic that sometimes we go out on a date and meet someone we are strongly attracted to but within minutes of the initial meeting things get so bad that the date ends in total disaster.
The sad truth is that it's easy to walk away and dismiss good men and women just because of very minor ... Views: 999
Aromatherapy is the complimentary and alternative medicine with the use of essential oils and other scented compounds from plants. It is a method which roots lie in ancient times and along with phytotherapy have the most natural healing attributes. Essential oils are the volatile part of leaves, ... Views: 1193
To our past ancestors, the animal held great spiritual power and symbolic meaning. In Native American culture, mythology and ancient civilizations, each animal is embodied with its own symbolic meaning and held its own unique spiritual power.
A particular animal crossing your path had deep ... Views: 2090
There are two questions truly successful people ask themselves regularly. The first is, “What would I do if I had no limits?” The second is, “What can I do to destroy those limits?” Ask yourself those questions. Take time to really think about it.
If you had ... Views: 1357
Most of us have experienced the fear of failure to some degree. Equally disturbing is the Fear of Success.
Sometimes what we are attribute to the Fear of Failure should be properly termed Fear of Success.
Is the Fear of Success real? Might you be experiencing this fear? Ask yourself, is there ... Views: 891
Given the option, would you choose a mental mini-vacation to break a long tough habit, or you would you choose the type of hypnosis that shocks you into a trance?
Both will give you the same results, but in this modern day world where stress is an everyday occurrence, it seems a mini-vacation ... Views: 1220
I feel pretty safe in saying that at one time or another we have all had a dream. I am not talking about the dreams you have had while sleeping. I am talking about a strongly desired purpose or vision for yourself. You know the dream of owning your own business, running a marathon, getting ... Views: 924
There are 6 fundamentals of grief recovery, which are very important to the grieving process. Most people try to avoid them not knowing that they are delaying their healing and advancement to the future.
Let us discuss them and evaluate your situation if you are grieving to see if you are or ... Views: 1951
Recovering from grief has no set order or method. It all depends on the individual person, what type of grief (how their loved one died), their social and cultural background and their emotional stability at the time of the death of their loved one.
Here are twenty practical ideas of recovery ... Views: 3469
If the movies have taught us anything it’s that there will be a time when the hero looks defeated and all is lost., (such as the case in real life ) especially when we are trying to achieve our life’s dream. It seems as though the universe plops a huge wall in front of you just as ... Views: 981