Candace Plattor is The Official Guide to "Addiction and Recovery". You can find complete information on Candace Plattor and her products by visiting Candace Plattor.
Power OneMaster NLP Practitioner & Hypnotherapist whose primary areas of expertise lie in : stress & depression, addictions, obsessive compulsive disorders and, eating disorders. Works in tandem with doctors in the region to provide total support for patients as needed. Views: 38
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Yoga of RecoveryYoga of Recovery integrates the wisdom of Yoga and Ayurveda with the tools of 12-Step Recovery. Workshops & retreats are open to all who wish to overcome self-destructive/addictive tendencies.
Certificate Course is for therapists, social workers, addiction counselors, sponsors, yoga teachers, Ayurvedic practitioners etc. Views: 38
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Advent RecoveryAdvent Recovery is a Addiction Recovery and Intervention service that focuses on an addict's strengths rather than wealnesses. Advent Recovery helps people to identify and remove obstacles blocking their path to recovery and assists them in getting their lives back on track. Views: 37
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Deep FUN"A resource for making life more fun - ""pointless games"" the ""lexifunnicon"" and other constructive sillinesses that border on the profound." Views: 37
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Drug Rehab is a resource for finding addiction treatment centers, locating interventionists, recovery professionals or for obtaining allied services and products. Views: 36
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The Accelerated Recovery ProcessSelf Help Recovery.Com outlines a new and effective Recovery Process combing several key processes to help the individual accelerate the Recovery Process by Teaching the Individual Specific Effective techniques to heal emotional trauma and free oneself from destructive cognitive disorders Views: 35
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The Addictive PersonalityHere you will find many resources available to support the addictive personality in breaking free of various forms of addictions. Views: 35
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* Hover over the stars and click to rate this Addiction and Recovery website. - Drug Abuse and Recovery Information ResourceWhile there are many different avenues that people go through to find recovery, we take pride in the path that we offer over at At our site you can find reliable addiction resources, along with a direction of treatment centers for those who need treatment. Views: 34
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HopelinksAddiction Recovery Information and resources. Includes information for overcoming underlying causes of addiction Views: 34
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Inspiration for RecoveryDr. Barbara Sinor's inspirational web site showcasing her addiction and recovery books. Preview coauthored book titled "What's Really Going On? Questioning Our View of Addiction" and email your personal addiction story for "Tales of Addiction." Views: 34
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Practical Recovery ServicesWe see addiction treatment as a practical issue and offer flexible services adapted to your individual needs, values, goals, life situation, history and relationships.
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Food is Not the EnemyI help women and men who feel out of control with food, to enjoy life again. Views: 33
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Women for SobrietyA positive self help recovery program for women with alcohol addictions. Views: 33
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BeCALM'd is a Natural Brain FoodbeCALM'd is 100% All Natural, no drug or chemical. Alternative to: Stress. Anxiety. Depression. ADD/ADHD. Alcoholism. Drugs & More! Views: 32
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Recovery NetworkADDICTIONS: Drug & Alcohol Abuse. Complete Recovery Information. One Source, all-inclusive information researched by people who have drug and alcohol addictions and now live daily in Recovery. Views: 32
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Sober Living GuideFeatures online resources to help people recover from drug and alcohol addition. Views: 32
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21 Steps to Recovery & Beyond GLOBAL ONLINE support for "Shawn & Drew's 21 Steps to STOP Gambling System and Workbooks, includes 21 Steps to STOP Gambling media highlights, plus additional and valuable support for 21 Steps recovery participants and alumni who are building their recovery into a lasting state. Views: 31
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Myself Self Help - Self help to deal with change.We're helping people find ways through self help to deal with changes in their lives and find new strength as they look for ways to improve their thinking, attitudes, addictions and self image, one day at a time. Hope is always there :)
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"Coaching, Counseling & Mentoring Services, Inc."We provide NBCC, NAADAC, CAADAC, OASAS and AIHCP approved self-paced home-study and online continuing education courses for those in the helping professions enabling them to obtain and/or retain their professional credentials. Views: 30
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