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ADHDClearandFocused.com Imagine finally feeling focused, confident and in control of your time and your tasks. What would it be like to release the frustration and shame and finally be able to skillfully manage your home, your career and your life? Visit Our Website To Learn How To Take Control Of Your Life Today!
Conception Geneviève PlanteOn this website, you'll find customized tools for children suffering from Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Asperger’s Syndrome and Atypical Autism. It can help any other children who could use a visual support as pictograms.
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Dr Dunckley's website and blogChild, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatric Practice. Site includes (or will include): blog, articles, monthly newsletter, resources, podcasts/interviews with parents, teachers, and parents, and educational video clips. Visitors are encouraged to contribute content and provide feedback. Views: 4
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Effective Living, LLCHelping people discover and implement their own solutions for a more effective and fulfilling life Views: 4
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Emotional Medicine CoachingEmotional Awareness Coaching is a method of life coaching that focuses on exploring, understanding, and healing your own unique inner-landscape. It is about relationships: the relationship you have with yourself, as well as with your partners, friends, family, and co-workers. Views: 4
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Energetically Sensitive ChildrenUnderstanding labels such as ADHD, Bipolar, Tourette's Syndrome, Anxiety Disorders, GAD, OCD’S, Panic Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, Sensory Processing Disorder that reflect society's lack of understanding around children, teenagers and adults who are energetically sensitive. Views: 4
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http://www.imaginationgym.comwww.imaginationgym.com is a self-development site that sales books, CDs and DVDs that aim to promote self-development in both children and adults through the stimulation of a persons imagination facilties. Views: 4
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Learning Together EducationLearning Together Education offers parent coaching by phone, parenting workshops, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). Views: 4
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Modafinil.org - Your Ultimate Modafinil ResourceModafinil.org is the ultimate resource ideal for individuals eager to learn about modafinil’s country-specific buyer guides, informative user-guides, vendor reviews, among other helpful resources. With best of the best insights, acquaint yourself about potent nootropics to safely and effectively use the medication. Views: 4
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Myprivateschool.comAurora Strategies accelerates learning for children and adults via research-based neurocognitive programs and instructional methods. Views: 4
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OldMe-NewMe.comAn evidenced based audio program for children and young teens that helps decrease anxiety,ADHD behaviors, stress and negative behaviors. This evidence based program uses relaxation, imagery within a story line to help children deal more appropriately with stressful situations. Views: 4
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Overcoming ADHD Without Medication: A Parent and Educator's GuidebookOvercoming ADHD Without Medication: A parent and Educator's Guidebook - developed by educators for parents and educators. Will help parents understand how to help children overcome ADHD, related disorders, without medication or supplements. Much research. Represents life work of public school and other professionals. Views: 4
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Akira Olsen, Psy.D. Licensed Clinical PsychologistHello I am online to answer your question on mental health topics - Anxiety, ADD/ADHD, Addiction, Childhood issues, Pareting, Family/Marriage, Self-esteem issues, and Eating disorder. Contact me today! Views: 3
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Amen ClinicsWelcome to Amen Clinics, Inc. The World Leader in Enhancing Mental Performance Views: 3
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Brain PostsI am a physician interested in clinical neuroscience research. I will use this blog to post more detailed analysis of recent studies in addition to my @WRY999 Twitter scientific reading log. I will also post some of my wildlife/sports photography. Aim to educate and amuse. Not selling anything. Views: 3
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Child ADHD HelpIf your child is suffered by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder get complete help to recover him/her completely. Views: 3
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Generic Drugs Store Online, Licensed Online Pharmacy, Generic Online PharmacyBuy genuine generic drugs from the online Licensed Pharmacy with the 100% money back guarantee at reasonable rate. Get worldwide delivery with secure shopping cart from our official website www.westcoastdrugs.net. Contact us +1 (559) 892-0972. Views: 3
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Life Force BooksLife Force Books publishes books on Kundalini, secret meditation techniques for awakening Kundalini, and promotes Gopi Krishna's books and research. Views: 3
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